Vocab Quiz 4 Review Game (Asexual Reproduction) Question Preview (ID: 49988)

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The degree to which the experimental result agrees with the accepted value.
a) accuracy
b) precision
c) international system of units
d) constant

The factor that is changed by the investigator to observe how it affects the dependent variable
a) independent variable
b) dependent variable
c) control group
d) constants

A type of asexual reproduction in which offspring grow from a part of a parent PLANT
a) vegetative reproduction
b) regeneration
c) cloning
d) budding

A type of asexual reproduction that occurs when an offspring grows from a piece of its parent
a) regeneration
b) budding
c) fission
d) cloning

A type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent cell
a) mitosis
b) diploid
c) haploid
d) regeneration

Cell division that forms two genetically identical cells
a) fission
b) budding
c) vegetative reproduction
d) regeneration

A cell that has pairs of chromosomes
a) diploid
b) haploid
c) budding
d) fission

A type of asexual reproduction performed in a laboratory that produces identical individuals from a cell or cluster of cells taken from a multicellular organism
a) cloning
b) diploid
c) vegetative reproduction
d) budding

The process during which a new organism grows by mitosis and cell division on the body of its parent
a) budding
b) cloning
c) regeneration
d) fission

Any type of reproduction in which one parent organism produces offspring without meiosis or fertilization
a) asexual reproduction
b) sexual reproduction
c) mitosis
d) cloning

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