Unit 8 Vocabulary Grade 6 Question Preview (ID: 49978)

Vocabulary Unit 8 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to increase in size, volume, number, or extent
a) expand
b) ordeal
c) hardship
d) challenge

a difficult or painful experience
a) challenge
b) ordeal
c) hardship
d) aerial

a task that is difficult and requires effort to achieve
a) despite
b) ordeal
c) hardship
d) challenge

done in the air or from the air
a) aerial
b) climate
c) atmosphere
d) cycle

the air that surrounds the Earth
a) cycle
b) climate
c) atmosphere
d) expand

in spite of or in defiance of
a) expand
b) ordeal
c) source
d) despite

the weather conditions in a region over a long time
a) source
b) aerial
c) atmosphere
d) climate

a situation that causes suffering
a) ordeal
b) hardship
c) challenge
d) source

a point at which something begins
a) source
b) cycle
c) challenge
d) despite

a series of events that are repeated regularly and always lead back to the starting point
a) ordeal
b) source
c) cycle
d) aerial

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