Features Of The Sun Question Preview (ID: 49977)

Parts Of The Sun. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The _______ is often called the surface of the sun.
a) photosphere
b) core
c) sunspots
d) convection zone

Fusion takes place in the sun's _________.
a) core
b) sunspots
c) photosphere
d) chromosphere

___________ can affect radio communications on Earth.
a) Solar winds
b) Sunspots
c) Core
d) Photosphere

Because they are cooler than surrounding regions, _______ appear dark.
a) sunspots
b) solar winds
c) solar flares
d) radiation zone

How far is the sun from the Earth?
a) 50 million miles away
b) 20 miles away
c) 93 million miles away
d) 75 billion miles away

The ______ is the outer layer of the Sun's atmosphere that looks like a white halo.
a) Corona
b) Prominences
c) Photosphere
d) Solar Winds

Huge looping eruptions of gas usually near sunspots, which arch out from the photosphere?
a) Prominence
b) Solar Flares
c) Solar Winds
d) Auroras

What causes auroras/northern lights?
a) solar winds
b) prominence
c) solar flares
d) sunspots

What feature protects Earth from solar winds?
a) Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field
b) The Moon
c) The ocean
d) Superman

When are we able to see the corona?
a) During a lunar eclipse
b) During a solar eclipse
c) All the time
d) When its cloudy

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