Titanic: Voices From The Disaster - Vocabulary Ch. 1-2 Question Preview (ID: 49973)

Titanic: Voices From The Disaster - Vocabulary Ch. 1-2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) grand, costly, rich, great abundance
b) crossing the Atlantic Ocean
c) large in comparison to a normal amount
d) leisurely walk or a public place for walking

a) grand, costly, rich, great abundance
b) crossing the Atlantic Ocean
c) large in comparison to a normal amount
d) leisurely walk or a public place for walking

a) grand, costly, rich, great abundance
b) crossing the Atlantic Ocean
c) large in comparison to a normal amount
d) leisurely walk or a public place for walking

a) grand, costly, rich, great abundance
b) crossing the Atlantic Ocean
c) large in comparison to a normal amount
d) leisurely walk or a public place for walking

a) to reach the end
b) attend to the needs of someone
c) lively and active
d) control room on a ship

a) to reach the end
b) attend to the needs of someone
c) lively and active
d) control room on a ship

a) the reach the end
b) attend to the needs of someone
c) lively and active
d) control room on a ship

a) to reach the end
b) attend to the needs of someone
c) lively and active
d) control room on a ship

a) easily approached or entered
b) lobby or entryway
c) something that meets your needs
d) rich, fancy, unique food

a) easily approached or entered
b) lobby or entryway
c) something that meets your needs
d) rich, fancy, unique food

a) easily approached or entered
b) lobby or entryway
c) something that meets your needs
d) rich, fancy, unique food

a) easily approached or entered
b) lobby or entryway
c) something that meets your needs
d) rich, fancy, unique food

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