Evolution And Natural Selection Question Preview (ID: 49971)

Evolution, Natural Selection. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is the main cause of the variation in traits within a population of organisms?
a) genetic mutations
b) common ancestors
c) reduction of habitats
d) environmental conditions

Who first proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection
a) Darwin
b) Linnaeus
c) Fleming
d) Wegener

What do scientists most often use to form the basis for biological classification?
a) dietary habits
b) population size
c) geographic location
d) comparative anatomy

The human arm contains the radius and ulna bones. Whales, bats, and dogs also have these bones. Which statement best explains this relationship between the organisms?
a) Humans evolved from whales, bats, and dogs.
b) Humans and the other animals share a common ancestor.
c) Humans evolved around the same time as the other animals.
d) Humans have existed in the same location as the other animals.

Bird wings and insect wings are analogous structures. Which can most likely be concluded?
a) Insects evolved from birds.
b) Birds evolved from insects.
c) Birds and insects have a close common ancestor.
d) Birds and insects do not have a close common ancestor.

Which evidence would best support the extinction of a past species?
a) the loss of a species’ habitat
b) the evolution of a new species
c) the disappearance of a species’ fossils
d) the increase in predators of the species

Which best describes the relationship between genetic variation and the ability to adapt to one’s environment?
a) Genetic variation has no effect on the ability to adapt.
b) As genetic variation increases, the ability to adapt increases.
c) As genetic variation decreases, the ability to adapt increases.
d) As genetic variation increases, the ability to adapt decreases.

Tigers and household cats are members of the same family; however, their sizes are vastly different. What is the cause of this difference?
a) biochemical makeup
b) behavioral makeup
c) genetics
d) habitat size

Which would best allow a species to survive environmental changes?
a) similar physical features
b) low mutation rate
c) small population
d) genetic diversity

What do transitional fossils best support?
a) the Theory of Biological Evolution
b) the Law of Superposition
c) the Theory of Geological Evolution
d) the Theory of Continental Drift

Scientists think that dolphins and whales may have evolved from a common ancestor. What evidence supports this hypothesis?
a) They swim the same way.
b) They eat the same food.
c) They live in the same area of the ocean.
d) They have similar anatomies.

Which of these characteristics BEST helps scientists classify organisms?
a) size
b) color
c) gender
d) structure

What process is most responsible for the extinction of most species of plants and animals that have lived on Earth?
a) gene mutation
b) environmental changes
c) selective breeding
d) decrease in reproduction

Who was the first person to base a system of classification on organisms having similar structures?
a) Aristotle
b) Darwin
c) Einstein
d) Linnaeus

Which best describes the similar function of wings in birds and butterflies?
a) embryological structures
b) homologous structures
c) analogous structures
d) vestigial structures

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