Sun, Moon, And Earth 3 Question Preview (ID: 49965)

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An equinox is characterized by
a) Equal amounts of daylight and darkness
b) Seasons that last 3 months
c) The longest day of the year
d) The longest night of the year

Winter in the Southern Hemisphere means that it is what season in the Northern Hemisphere?
a) winter
b) spring
c) summer
d) autumn

Earth's rotation takes
a) 24 hours
b) 365 days
c) 1 month
d) 1 year

Earth's revolution around the Sun takes
a) 1 day
b) 24 hours
c) 1 month
d) 1 year

The rotation of Earth on its axis causes what to occur?
a) Day and night
b) Summer and winter
c) Years
d) Gravity

The Earth experiences four different seasons because of
a) The tilt of the Earth's axis
b) Earth's revolution around the Sun
c) The tilt of the Earth's axis and Earth's revolution around the Sun
d) The gravitational pull of the Sun and the moon

Which of the following would cause the seasons on Earth to change more gradually?
a) Increasing the amount of time it takes Earth to orbit the Sun.
b) Increasing the number of times Earth rotates on its axis.
c) Decreasing the speed of the Moon’s orbit around Earth.
d) Decreasing the amount of energy the Sun emits per year.

The speed of the rotation of Earth has the greatest effect on which of the following?
a) Length of day and night
b) Path of the Moon’s orbit
c) Length of a year
d) Path of orbit around the Sun

Seasonal variations on Earth would be significantly changed if which of the following were changed?
a) The speed of rotation of Earth.
b) The direction of orbit of Earth.
c) The speed of rotation of the Sun.
d) The angle of tilt of Earth’s axis.

The period of daylight experienced each day on every part of Earth would be shorter if which one of the following changes occurred?
a) Earth had a greater diameter.
b) The mass of the Sun was greater.
c) Earth rotated more quickly on its axis.
d) The Sun was farther away from Earth.

The Southern Hemisphere experiences the coldest seasonal weather during what portion of the Earth’s orbit?
a) When the orbital speed of the Earth is the fastest.
b) During the time when the Earth passes Jupiter.
c) When the South Pole tilts away from the Sun.
d) During the time when both hemispheres have a full moon.

A solstice is characterized by
a) Equal amounts of daylight and darkness
b) The longest or shortest day of the year
c) Seasons that last 3 months
d) 4 full moons

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