Unit 8 Vocabulary Grade 7 Question Preview (ID: 49951)

Grade 7 Vocabulary Unit 8. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

the state of being open or vulnerable to an outside effect
a) radiation
b) distort
c) exposure
d) organs

to pull in, squeeze, or tighten
a) external
b) distort
c) shield
d) constrict

to twist out of shape or change the meaning of something someone said
a) distort
b) constrict
c) millennia
d) organs

the effect that is produced by light bouncing off an object
a) shield
b) exposure
c) reflection
d) millennia

to protect and shelter from an undesirable situation or action
a) shield
b) constrict
c) external
d) distort

waves of light or heat energy
a) exposure
b) organs
c) radiation
d) shield

structures in the body made of cells and tissues
a) constrict
b) distort
c) radiation
d) organs

the act of keeping something from happening
a) prevention
b) shield
c) distort
d) external

outside or on the surface
a) shield
b) external
c) exposure
d) radiation

periods of a thousand years ago
a) reflection
b) millennia
c) organs
d) exposure

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