Social Studies Question Preview (ID: 49944)

Promises To Keep Jackie Robinson. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

hold the attention of or captivate someone
a) commitment
b) anxious
c) cherished
d) mesmerized

frighten, threaten, or menace someone, especially in order to make them do what one wants
a) demeaning
b) escalate
c) intimidate
d) endured

causing someone to lose their dignity and the respect of others
a) demeaning
b) obscure
c) escalated
d) intimidate

suffer something painful or difficult patiently
a) demeaning
b) endured
c) escalated
d) intimidate

a great victory or achievement
a) triumph
b) deserted
c) endured
d) demeaning

something that has come from a predecessor or the past
a) segragaate
b) legacy
c) obscure
d) anxious

grasp something tightly, especially with the hands or between teeth
a) commitment
b) segregate
c) clenched
d) legacy

wanting something very much, typically with a feeling of unease
a) anxious
b) mesmerized
c) obscured
d) cherished

officially or legally prohibit
a) ban
b) cherished
c) anxious
d) obscured

the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity
a) commitment
b) ban
c) cherished
d) anxious

keep from being seen; conceal
a) clenched
b) ban
c) obscured
d) segragate

become or cause to become more intense or serious
a) deserted
b) escalated
c) endured
d) triumph

set apart from the rest or from each other, isolate or divide
a) deserted
b) segregate
c) ban
d) triumph

abandoned; forsaken
a) deserted
b) escalated
c) triumph
d) demeaning

holding someone or something dear
a) mesmerized
b) anxiuos
c) obscure
d) cherished

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