Chasing Lincoln's Killer, Quiz Ch. 11-Epilogue Question Preview (ID: 49926)

Chasing Lincoln's Killer, Quiz Ch. 11-Epilogue. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What were the last words Booth ever said?
a) I only regret that I can't die a thousand times.
b) I die a hero and a martyr.
c) Sic semper tyrannis!
d) Useless, useless.

Who shot John Wilkes Booth?
a) David Herold
b) Edwin Stanton
c) Boston Corbett
d) Andrew Johnson

What did the Union cavalry do to get to Booth?
a) They sent one soldier into the barn to fight him one-on-one.
b) They set the barn on fire to flush him out.
c) They entered the barn in a large group to take him alive.
d) The sent the Confederate soldiers in to negotiate with him.

Why did Booth refuse to turn himself in?
a) He had grown to enjoy their life on the run in the wilderness.
b) He knew that help was on the way from the Confederate army.
c) He knew the Union soldiers would not be able to get him inside the barn.
d) He knew he would be executed for his crime.

Why did Herold turn himself in?
a) He thought he wouldn't be executed because he didn't actually kill anyone.
b) He knew the Union soldiers would side with him.
c) Booth threatened to kill him and he now felt unsafe with him.
d) He felt sorry for what he did and wanted to face justice.

Why couldn't Booth and Herold escape when the Union cavalry came to the Garretts house for them?
a) They had slept too late.
b) Booth was too injured to move.
c) The Garretts had locked them inside the barn.
d) Their car wouldn't start.

What did the Garretts do when Booth insisted on staying at their house for another night?
a) They gave him their best guest room.
b) They made him sleep on the couch.
c) They made him sleep underneath the house.
d) They made him sleep in the barn.

Why did Richard Garrett become alarmed when a cavalry patrol went past his house?
a) Booth didn't react at all to it.
b) Herold stopped the patrol and turned himself in.
c) Booth became scared when the patrol went by.
d) He was afraid of horses.

Why did the Garrett family allow Booth and Herold to stay at their house?
a) They didn't know they had assassinated Lincoln.
b) They approved of what they had done to President Lincoln.
c) They wanted Booth to perform as an actor for them.
d) Booth gave them a large sum of money.

Why was Dr. Mudd arrested and thrown in prison?
a) He attacked Secretary Seward with a knife.
b) He had lied to the Union detectives.
c) He had hurt someone while trying to set their leg.
d) He had helped Stanton with his investigation.

Why did the Union detectives come to Virginia?
a) They were still at war with Britain.
b) They didn't know that Booth and Herold and left for Kentucky.
c) They learned by telegraph that two men had crossed the river.
d) They were searching for the Confederate President.

What did the Confederate soldiers do when they found Booth and Herold?
a) They turned them in to the Union detectives.
b) They gave them food and money and sent them on their way.
c) They ignored them and left them alone.
d) They helped them cross the river and gave them a place to stay.

Who was Elizabeth Quesenberry?
a) A Confederate spy who helped Booth and Herold.
b) A detective for the Union who was chasing Booth and Herold.
c) A famous actress at Ford's Theater.
d) The President of the Confederacy.

What was John Wilkes Booth's plight in most of this book?
a) He was a famous actor.
b) He was on the run being chased by the Union army.
c) He enjoyed hospitality at fine houses in Maryland and Virginia.
d) He didn't get to star in the play Our American Cousin.

What did John Wilkes Booth consider to be treachery?
a) Dr. Mudd helped set his broken leg.
b) The Confederate soldiers talked the ferryman into letting them cross the river.
c) The Garretts locked Booth and Herold inside the barn.
d) Mary Surratt hid firearms for him in her boardinghouse.

How can you tell that John Wilkes Booth was egotistical?
a) He did things quietly and didn't make a big show about it.
b) He gave a lot of money to the poor and needy.
c) He changed his mind and decided to support the other side in the war at the end.
d) He thought he was a great hero even to the very end.

When someone thinks something is inevitable, what do they think about it?
a) It might happen. It might not.
b) It's definitely going to happen.
c) It's a lot of fun.
d) It causes a lot of trouble.

If you are a skeptic, how do you feel about what other people think?
a) You doubt everything other people think.
b) You think other people can be completely trusted.
c) You think people try to do the right thing.
d) You think people only care about themselves.

How many days did it take to catch Lincoln's killer?
a) 12 days
b) Three weeks
c) 2 days
d) 30 days

What happened to Herold, Atzerodt, Powell, and Mary Surratt at the end of the story?
a) They were sentenced to life in prison.
b) They were executed by hanging.
c) They were exiled and could never return to the United States.
d) They were found not guilty of their crimes and released.

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