Ancient Egypt Question Preview (ID: 49924)

Ancient Egypt. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What were canopic jars used for in the embalming process?
a) beer
b) most internal organs
c) pets
d) money

What major organ of the body was not removed, due to its importance.
a) liver
b) brain
c) kidneys
d) heart

Isis gained access to Set's palace by acting like a wanderer who could
a) weave carpets and make clothing
b) style hair, and later becoming a nurse to Set's son
c) build pyramids and write in hieroglyphics
d) cast magic spells

The Nile River flows ___ to the Mediterranean Sea.
a) north
b) south
c) east
d) west

A person who preserved bodies for the afterlife.
a) mummifier
b) funeral director
c) embalmer
d) caretaker

The ruler or leader of Ancient Egypt
a) king
b) pharaoh
c) president
d) dictator

What two physical features protected from invaders
a) deserts and cataracts on the Nile River
b) swarms of locusts and lions
c) mountains and forests
d) archipelagos and straits

What important physical feature allowed the development of a civilization in Ancient Egypt?
a) Mississippi River
b) Mediterranean Sea
c) Libyan Desert
d) Nile River

Set tricked Osiris at a party he was throwing by ___.
a) kidnapping Osiris and taking him to Persia.
b) building a chest that only Osiris would fit into
c) killing Osiris with poison
d) overthrowing the government in a civil war

The Nile River was important for __
a) farming, trading, and fishing
b) tourism
c) the ability to promote Egypt as a powerful empire to foreign leaders
d) the production of salt

Osiris is married to a goddess name ___.
a) Isis
b) Cinderella
c) Hathor
d) Nut

Egyptians were very concerned what was going to happen to them __.
a) in marriage
b) in the birth of their first child
c) in the afterlife
d) if plagues of locust or disease would destroy their crops

What was the main ingredient used in the mummification process?
a) peroxide
b) bleach
c) rubbing alcohol
d) salt

The Ancient Egyptians believed that this god protected the underworld/afterlife
a) Set
b) Isis
c) Horus
d) Osiris

The belief in more than one god is called ___.
a) Monotheism
b) Polytheism
c) Unotheism
d) Multipletheism

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