THG Chapter 2 Vocab Practice Question Preview (ID: 49922)

Week 2 THG Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a person who is at least 100 years old
a) juror
b) centenarian
c) legislator
d) veterinarian

bad-tempered and unfriendly
a) imprudent
b) banal
c) legislator
d) surly

of only moderate quality; not very good
a) mediocre
b) banal
c) anecdote
d) surly

a person who is a doctor of animal science
a) juror
b) dictator
c) legislator
d) veterinarian

a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
a) anecdote
b) dictator
c) centenarian
d) juror

not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash
a) mediocre
b) imprudent
c) surly
d) dictator

a person who tells people what to do without giving them choices
a) juror
b) banal
c) legislator
d) dictator

so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
a) mediocre
b) banal
c) juror
d) imprudent

a person who is a doctor of animal science
a) legislature
b) juror
c) dictator
d) veterinarian

a person who makes laws
a) juror
b) veterinarian
c) legislator
d) dictator

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