WWII Question Preview (ID: 49921)

WWII Questions For The WWII Portion Of The Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Hitler's blaming of the Jews for Germany's problems led to what infamous historical event?
a) Holocaust
c) Battle of Britain
d) Battle of Midway

What military tactic did Germany use to strike its opponents?
a) Trench Warfare
b) Bombing
c) Blitzkrieg
d) Gutentag

In the early 40s, how much of Western Europe did Germany control?
a) All
b) Almost all
c) Some
d) Very little

What is viewed as the start of WWII?
a) Assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary
b) Japan attacking Pearl Harbor
c) Germany attacking US supply ships
d) Germany invading Poland

What is the main way Germany began breaking the Treaty of Versailles?
a) Giving back land to the Allies
b) Paying the Allies only a little bit
c) Taking land back
d) None of the above

What type of government did Hitler put in place in Germany?
a) Monarchy
b) Fascist
c) Totalitarian
d) Democratic

Which word/words best describe why German citizens placed Adolf Hitler into power?
a) Nationalism
b) Militarism
c) Promised to end the Treaty of Versailles
d) All of the above

Citizens began placing more trust in _______ governments in Europe in the 1920s/30s.
a) dictator
b) democratic
c) monarchy
d) communist

Germany's economy in the 1920s?
a) Strong
b) People had jobs
c) Government had money
d) High unemployment

The U.S. entered WWII...
a) Assassination of the Archduke
b) Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
c) Germany attacked US supply ships
d) Germany attacked Poland

Deaths in WWII....
a) were greater than WWI due to advanced aerial assaults
b) were about the same
c) were less than WWI due to trench warfare
d) None of the above

What beach did the Allies invade in France in 1944- known as D-Day?
a) Omaha
b) Paris
c) Versailles
d) Normandy

What is one event that is viewed as an ending point of WWII?
a) Treaty of Versailles
b) US dropping an atomic bomb on Japanese cities
c) The development of NATO
d) Pearl Harbor

What was the Marshall Plan?
a) A plan to help our Allies in Western Europe
b) A plan to help rebuild Germany
c) A plan that split Germany into 2 separate countries
d) A plan that created an alliance against the Soviet Union

What was/is NATO?
a) An alliance between the Soviet Union and eastern Europe
b) An alliance between West and East Germany
c) An alliance between the U.S. and Western Europe
d) An alliance between Germany and the U.S.

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