Middle Colonies Review Question Preview (ID: 49917)

Middle Colonies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What two colonies did William Penn oversee?
a) New York and New Jersey
b) Pennsylvania and Georgia
c) Pennsylvania and Delaware
d) South Carolina and Massachusetts

New York City/New Amsterdam is an ideal location due to ____
a) it is on the Mississippi River
b) it is on the Hudson River
c) good soil
d) it is in the Southern Colonies

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire are all __.
a) Middle Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) New England Colonies
d) Caribbean Islands

What made the Middle Colonies a very popular place to settle?
a) Great farmland and an ideal climate to grow crops
b) People of different and diverse backgrounds.
c) Religious freedom and self-government
d) All of the above

What island was purchased by Peter Minuit for a small amount of money and trinkets?
a) Manhattan
b) Rhode Island
c) Cuba
d) Bahamas

New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania all belong to this group of colonies.
a) New England Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) Middle Colonies
d) Massachusetts Bay Colony

James, Duke of York, gave New Jersey to which two fiends
a) Ben Franklin and John Adams
b) George Carteret and John Berkeley
c) Roger Williams and John Winthrop
d) Peter Stuyvesant and William Penn

Who was the Dutch leader of the New Netherlands colony?
a) William Penn
b) Lord John Berkeley
c) Peter Stuyvesant
d) Duke of York

Why was England concerned with the Netherlands owning land in what is present day New York?
a) England was fighting multiple wars with the Netherlands in Europe.
b) England was worried about the diseases the Dutch people carried.
c) England did not want a foreign country dividing the Southern Colonies from the New England Colonies.
d) England wanted to take over the economic advantages of the fur trading business.

Most people who lived in the Middle Colonies did this for a living.
a) fishing
b) farming
c) working in factories and industry
d) blacksmiths

What does the term Inner Light mean?
a) The Quakers were excellent at making fires that would burn for a very long time.
b) The Quakers enjoyed praying and believed their soul would shine a beacon of light.
c) Believed that God could directly communicate with them and give them important signs
d) Quakers believed that all people had the chance to go to heaven.

What group of people were known by the Society of Friends and believed that everyone had the Inner Light?
a) Puritans
b) Separatists
c) Pilgrims
d) Quakers

Who was the founder of Pennsylvania?
a) Roger Williams
b) Peter Stuyvesant
c) Anne Hutchinson
d) William Penn

William Penn received a large track of land in North America after ___.
a) his father died and King Charles II needed to repay a large debt
b) won the land in a poker game.
c) was appointed a royal governor by King Charles II
d) was given the land by the Duke of York

Which colony was the home to a Quaker settlement in North America?
a) Pennsylvania
b) New York
c) New Jersey
d) Delaware

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