Social Studies Chapter 17 Review Games Question Preview (ID: 49893)

Chapter 17 Review Games. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does AFL stand for?
a) American Football League
b) American Federation of Labor
c) American Foot League
d) American Federation of Love

What did the AFL do for workers?
a) helped get laws passed to shorten work hours, end child labor, and compensate workers for injuries
b) helped get laws passed
c) helped give them entertainment on television
d) helped have laws passed to increase work hours, increase child labor, and not compensate immigrant workers well

Why did some Americans want to keep immigrants from entering the United States?
a) They thought they had the coronavirus.
b) They thought immigrants were taking jobs from native-born citizens.
c) They did not trust immigrants.
d) They thought immigrants were going to take over the country.

Why was the USS Maine important?
a) It's sinking set off the Spanish-American War.
b) It's sinking set off the Civil War.
c) It was the only US ship to ever not sink.
d) It's sinking set off the American Revolution.

What were the results of the Spanish-American War?
a) Cuba did not gain independence; the U.S. did not get any territories
b) Cuba gained independence from Spain; the U.S. did not get any territories
c) Cuba did not gain independence; the U.S. got many new territories
d) Cuba gained independence from Spain; the U.S. gained three new territories

What is a trust buster?
a) a person who creates small trusts
b) a person who tries to break peoples trust to get them to confess to a crime
c) a person who creates large companies
d) a person who breaks up large trusts into smaller companies

A muckraker is .....
a) a writer who kept unfair business practices secret
b) a writer who exposed unfair business practices
c) a writer who writes love poems
d) a writer who writes about life in the prairies

Ida Tarbel was....
a) a muckraker
b) a settler
c) a business person
d) a United States President

Why did Theodore Roosevelt create national parks?
a) to preserve mountain areas
b) to save the turtles
c) to help Cuba gain independence from Spain
d) to preserve areas of wilderness in the United States

What is a primary source?
a) an account by someone who participated in the event
b) an account by someone who was not an eyewitness to the event
c) an account by someone who was not present at the event
d) the first document you were given

A secondary source is .....
a) an account by someone who participated in the event
b) an account by someone who was an eyewitness to the event
c) an account by someone who was not present at the event
d) a second document that goes with your first document

Which of the following were new technologies that were developed during the Industrial Revolution?
a) Steel-making process, telephone
b) Electricity
c) Steel-making process, telephone, electric light bulb, airplane, assembly line
d) None of the above

What is a conservationist?
a) a person who works to preserve the wilderness
b) a person who tries to conserve energy
c) a person who works to destroy the wilderness
d) a person who tries to save historical documents

A strike is a .....
a) a bomb
b) an air strike
c) the refusal of workers in a business to work until owners meet their demands
d) the refusal of workers to not have an hour off for lunch

What does the term reform mean?
a) to move something
b) designated changes that do not change the way anything is done
c) changes designed to make things worse
d) changes designed to make things better

Which of the following is the definition of a settlement house?
a) a community center
b) a large building where people settle bets
c) a community center that provides child care, education, and other services to the poor
d) a house that is settling in the ground

Who are the Rough Riders?
a) a person who works to preserve the wilderness
b) a group of volunteers who joined Theodore Roosevelt to fight the Spanish-American War
c) a group of rough cowboys
d) a group of volunteers who help try to preserve historical documents

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