The Church, Crusaders, And Nation Building Question Preview (ID: 49892)

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How did the rise of towns lead to a decline of feudalism
a) Growth of middle class, Manors shrunk, more money for people
b) Led to shopping malls
c) Helped get mayors elected
d) Towns needed more protection than manors

What is NOT a way that the 100 years war changed Europe foreve
a) Created the Olympics
b) It moved away from Knights and Castles
c) Introduced Longbows and Cannons
d) Led for exploration of other lands

What is NOT one of the three Islamic achievements that we still use today
a) Coffee
b) Math
c) Shoes
d) Medicine

Defend the statement “The Black Plague seen as beneficial for Europe
a) God sent it to help the Christians win the Crusades
b) It was similar to the common cold
c) Only italians got the black plague
d) It helped with unemployement, overpopulation and food shortages

How were the formation of guilds a positive step for worker
a) It got people out of the house
b) It allowed for quality goods, set prices, and allowed for good training
c) It was bad, close to slavery.
d) Only women could join guilds

How did the Crusades lead to the expansion of Islamic achievements
a) The Europeans brought back a lot of good food
b) The Crusades showed how weak the Catholics and Muslims were
c) Ships returing from the Crusades were filled with Musilm goods and ideas to be introduced through Europe
d) The Pope did not like Muslim Achiements

What role did Joan of Arc play in creating a national identity in France
a) She was the first feminist
b) She was seen as a martyr and motivated the French People
c) She was German
d) she made a lot of money fighting

What reasons would someone leave their home and Europe and go fight in the Crusades
a) Fighting for the crudsades was a sure way into heaven and forgivness of sins
b) They were forced to
c) They didnt want to look soft

Besides Christianity, what was a real reason that the Pope got involved in the Crusades
a) He wanted to be remembered for gaining the holy land
b) Money and control of trade routes
c) He wanted to look cool
d) He was bored

How can The Church's involvement in politics be seen as Positive?
a) Could end problems quicker
b) The Pope could be a king
c) Peasants voted for the Church

What did the Church NOT receive as a result of their Royal Favors?
a) Power
b) Influence
c) Land as Payment
d) Clothes

Why did The Church utilize Greek thinking?
a) They tried to find a way to mix the Religion with the Greek question of why.
b) The pope wanted to
c) The King was Greek
d) fdcxv

The Church gained power through royal favors by...
a) Making nice songs to sing in church
b) Writing Contracts, Making laws, and giving Advice
c) Saying God wanted them to have the Power
d) Telling peasants not to listen to the King

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