VSB P. 11-14 Question Preview (ID: 49891)

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All people are created equal and have right to
a) Roblox, Roblox, and Roblox
b) life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
c) life, liberty and the pursuit of Goldfish
d) life, liberty and unhappiness

The Declaration of Independence states that ___ to govern belongs to the people.
a) need
b) possibility
c) authority
d) reason

Declaration of Independence was written by
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) Ben Franklin
d) Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson provided______ leadership by expressing reasons for colonial ________ from Great Britain.
a) no / independence
b) political / independence
c) some / independence
d) no idea

Patrick Henry delivered his Give Me Liberty or Death speech at
a) St. John's Church in Richmond in March 17 1775
b) SkyZone in Richmond in March 17 1775
c) Sycamore in Richmond in March 17 1775
d) St. Andrew's Church in Richmond in March 17 1775

Patrick Henry spoke out agains_______ without___________.
a) taxation without representation
b) taxation without participation
c) taxation without Roblox
d) taxation without Netflix

Patrick Henry inspired _______ from other countries
a) patriots
b) British
c) indians
d) Spanish

The 13 colonies believed they should not be taxed with ________in Parliament.
a) representation
b) a refund
c) a friend
d) participation

The 13 colonies believed _________ had legal authority.
a) local assemblies
b) Parliament
c) the Indians
d) John Smith

The colonist and British Parliament disagreed over how the colonies should
a) be goverened.
b) fish.
c) hunt.
d) play games.

Parliament believed it had the right to_______the colonies.
a) tax
b) give money
c) not tax
d) no give money

Parliament believed it had legal _____ in the colonies
a) authority
b) ownership of animals
c) representation
d) right to the indians

What was the lawmaking body in England?
a) Parliament
b) Senate
c) House of Representatives
d) The King

Virginia Patriots served in
a) Continental Navy
b) Continental Air Force
c) Continental Army
d) Continental Marines

Marquis de Lafayette was a
a) Spanish nobleman
b) French nobleman
c) Chinese nobleman
d) Korean nobleman

King of France provided French troops, money and
a) Roblox
b) candy
c) Goldfish
d) ships

James Armistead Lafayette was an enslaved African American from Virginia who served in the
a) Continental Marines
b) Continental Air force
c) Continental Congress
d) Continental Army

Mom's fav child
a) Christian
b) Kaycie
c) Lynsey
d) Emily

Emily's favorite food
a) broccoli
b) Goldfish
c) Cheese its
d) Fruit roll ups

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