Ender's Game-4 Question Preview (ID: 49890)

Ender's Game Vocabulary 4 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

As Demosthenes, Val writes a strong of the population limitation laws. By saying these laws are wrong, she is supporting Ender in her own way.
a) Denunciation
b) Derisive
c) Incognito
d) Insubstantial

Though Val herself seems to be very , her alter ego Demosthenes is completely uninterested in peace-making.
a) Conciliatory
b) Insubstantial
c) Lax
d) Paltry

Val and Peter write under pseudonyms in order to remain . If readers knew they were just kids, no one would read their columns.
a) Incognito
b) Paltry
c) Adroitly
d) Concession

While Ender has no intention of being as as Rose de Nose, he does not plan on being terribly strict or unnecessarily regimented, either.
a) Concession
b) Lax
c) Paltry
d) Adroitly

Ender relies on the solidity of his relationships with his friends as comfort. When these relationships become , he becomes depressed and suspicious of those around him.
a) Insubstantial
b) Adroitly
c) Concession
d) Conciliatory

Peter's and hostile attitude towards Ender when they were young permanently damages their relationship. Peter treated Ender with scorn and contempt, and Ender could not forget it.
a) Conciliatory
b) Confounding
c) Derisive
d) Denunciation

Though Ender is annoyed with Bean for refusing to , he also respects him for not yielding.
a) Concede
b) Denunciation
c) Derisive
d) Incognito

Many students' achievements look in comparison to Ender's. His brilliance makes their best efforts seem insignificant.
a) Incognito
b) Insubstantial
c) Lax
d) Paltry

Ender would rather his teachers' expectations of him, but since he is not sure what those expectations are, he cannot figure out how to thwart them.
a) Adroitly
b) Confound
c) Paltry
d) Concession

Bean performs in the Battle Room. He is a skilled fighter and an innovative tactician.
a) Concession
b) Adroitly
c) Conciliatory
d) Confounding

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