Life Science - Evolution #1 Question Preview (ID: 49879)

Life Science - Evolution #1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is NOT a structural adaptation?
a) large ears
b) white color
c) hibernation
d) sharp quills

_____________ allow organisms to become adjusted to new conditions in their environment.
a) Mutations
b) Adaptations
c) Factors
d) Biomes

Water, sunlight, soil, air, and temperature are examples of ____________ factors.
a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) biomes
d) ecosystems

__________ are nonliving components of an ecosystem.
a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) biomes
d) ecosystems

Land, marine, and freshwater are examples of ___________.
a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) biomes
d) ecosystems

Large regions characterized by certain conditions such as climate are called ___________. Major examples are desert, forest, grasslands, and tundra.
a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) biomes
d) ecosystems

Algae, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals are all __________ factors in an ecosystem.
a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) biome
d) ecosystem

The living organisms within a specific area and their physical environment define an _____________.
a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) biome
d) ecosystem

Which is NOT a behavioral adaptation?
a) camel's hump
b) hibernation
c) migration

Why would a polar bear have white fur?
a) water storage
b) protection
c) camoflage
d) cooling

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