Macbeth- Act I Quiz Question Preview (ID: 49860)

Macbeth. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In Scene 7, Macbeth says: We will proceed no further in this business, He hath honour'd me of late; and I have bought, Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon. What is he express
a) He wants to kill the king so that he can have all of the glory
b) He does not want Lady Macbeth to take credit
c) He wants to enjoy his new title of Thane of Cawdor
d) He is scared that he will fail

Lady Macbeth's immediate reaction upon reading her husband's letter is to express doubt about
a) Macbeth's strength of will
b) The witches' prophecies
c) Macbeth's ambition
d) Her own determination

What does Duncan's son Malcolm, the Prince of Cumberland, represent to Macbeth?
a) An enemy not to be tangled with
b) An obstacle to the throne
c) A model whose dees should be imitated
d) A peerless kinsman

Which of the following is NOT revealed in Macbeth's letter to his wife?
a) He has been appointed Thane of Cawdor
b) His ambition to become king
c) The location of Malcolm
d) The witches' prophecy

Macbeth is surprised when he is addressed as Thane of Cawdor because
a) He feels he does not deserve the title
b) One of the prophecies has come true
c) Banquo deserves the title
d) He knows that the Thane of Cawdor is a traitor

Which of the following is NOT one of the prophecies made by the witches
a) Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor
b) Macbeth will be King of Scotland
c) Banquo's sons will be king
d) Macbeth will live happily ever after

In Act 1, Scene 4, Duncan states,There's no art/ To find the mind's construction in the face:/ He was a gentleman on whom I built/ An absolute trust. This is an example of which type of irony?
a) Dramatic (audience knows something a character does not know)
b) Verbal (speaker means opposite of what is said)
c) All of the above
d) Situational (the opposite of what is expected happens)

Which of the following best describes the mood of scene 1, in which the witches appear?
a) Confusion and upset
b) Uneasiness and gloom
c) Horror and shock
d) Lighthearted wonder

Macbeth's actions on the battlefield show him to be all of the following EXCEPT
a) Recklessly brave
b) Capable of great violence
c) Superstitious
d) Loyal to the king

The fact that Duncan was deceived by the original Thane of Cawdor suggests that Duncan
a) Is too trusting
b) Rules with a harsh hand
c) Has political savvy
d) Will never be deceived again

Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth, And, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man. Lady Macbeth is trying to persuade through
a) Flattery
b) Guilt
c) Sympathy
d) Shame

Lady Macbeth says that she would sooner murder her own infant than
a) Give away her husband's plan
b) Behave in a dishonest way
c) Doubt her husband
d) Go back on an oath

In this act, what causes Macbeth's nervousness and fear?
a) Being tempted to commit murder
b) Coming face to face with witches
c) Being made Thane of Cawdor
d) Facing enemies in battle

In the end, Macbeth agrees to murder Duncan for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a) That they are going to blame the murder on the guards
b) That Banquo promises not to reveal the evil plan to anyone
c) That his wife i
d) That he does not want to feel cowardly or unmanly

15. How does Lady Macbeth instruct her husband to behave around their guests?
a) As their servant
b) d. Graciously
c) As if he were king
d) Indifferent

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