Expansion And Imperialism/WW1 Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 49854)

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What year did world war 1 break out?
a) 1914
b) 1918
c) 1898
d) 1776

The idea of American superiority caused many white settlers to move west
a) Imperialism
b) Manifest Destiny
c) Colonialism
d) The Mnroe Doctrine

A canal was built by the United States through this country to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, thus cutting down on travel time.
a) Panama
b) Nicaragua
c) Costa Rica
d) Germany

editor or or Question 1 This idea of American superiority and belief in republicanism pushed Americans to settle the West... answer choices Manifest Destiny The Monroe Doctrine Imperialism American hatred of Native Americans 30 Seconds 5 Se
a) Monroe Doctrine
b) Roosevelt Corollary
c) The Declaration of Independence
d) The Good Neighbor Policy

editor or or Question 1 This idea of American superiority and belief in republicanism pushed Americans to settle the West... answer choices Manifest Destiny The Monroe Doctrine Imperialism American hatred of Native Americans 30 Seconds 5 Se
a) Chemical Warfare
b) Trench Warfare
c) Submarine Warfare

What was the purpose behind sending Native American children to boarding schools?
a) To teach them the skills needed to survive
b) To assimilate Native Americans into the civilized culture of White Americans.
c) To make Native Americans more friendly.
d) To teach them about their culture

What was the purpose of the Homestead Act and the Pacific Railway Act?
a) to force Native Americans into boarding schools
b) To encourage settlement of the West
c) to convince people to join the military
d) To punish people who spoke out against the war

editor or or Question 1 This idea of American superiority and belief in republicanism pushed Americans to settle the West... answer choices Manifest Destiny The Monroe Doctrine Imperialism American hatred of Native Americans 30 Seconds 5 Se
a) New Mexico
b) Texas
c) Alaska
d) Hawaii

Why did the U.S. propose and enforce the Open Door Policy in China?
a) The U.S. was trying to start a war in China
b) The U.S. wanted new markets to sell industrial goods
c) The U.S. was trying to keep peace among European nations
d) The U.S. wanted to buy cheap goods from China

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Spanish-American War?
a) The United States returned to isolationism
b) America gained Puerto Rico, Guam, and paid $20 million for the Philippines.
c) The United States began fighting rebels in the Philippines.
d) America became a world power

The Rough Riders, a voluntary cavalry unit that fought during the Spanish-American War was led by whom?
a) Ulysses Grant
b) George Washington
c) Woodrow Wilson
d) Theodore Roosevelt

editor or or Question 1 This idea of American superiority and belief in republicanism pushed Americans to settle the West... answer choices Manifest Destiny The Monroe Doctrine Imperialism American hatred of Native Americans 30 Seconds 5 Se
a) Zimmerman Telegram
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) Roosevelt Corollary
d) The super secret message

The policy that the United States had the right to act as the policeman of the Western hemisphere and intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations was established by the..
a) Isolationism
b) Good Neighbor Policy
c) The Roosevelt Corollary
d) Open Door Policy

Which of the following was NOT a reason the United States joined WW1?
a) German unrestricted submarine warfare
b) The desire to keep the world safe for democracy
c) The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
d) The promise of US land to Mexico by Germany

What did the Supreme Court decide about the constitutionality of the Sedition Act in the case Schenck v.United States?
a) The Supreme Court did not make a decision on the issue
b) The 1st Amendment does not apply to written letters
c) The freedom of speech allows you to shout fire in a crowded theater
d) Bill of Rights freedoms can be restricted during times of war

These plots of land were set aside by the U.S. government for the forced relocation of Native Americans
a) Reservations
b) Boarding Schools
c) Casinos
d) Lakes

The Nez Perce were chased and attacked by the U.S. Army in an attempt to reloacte them onto a reservation. Who was the leader of the Nez Perce?
a) Red Jacket
b) Chief Blackfoot
c) Chief Joeseph
d) Lt. Col. Custer

What event was the trigger for the United States declaring war on Spain in 1898?
a) The bombing of Pearl Harbor
b) The sinking of the USS Maine
c) The sinking of the Lusitania
d) The German invasion of Poland

What was the purpose of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
a) To force people to join the military
b) To support the growing of victory gardens
c) To prevent spying and interference in the war effort
d) To punish people who supported the Central Powers

This U.S. President was in office during World War 1
a) William McKinley
b) Woodrow Wilson
c) Franklin Roosevelt
d) Theodore Roosevelt

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