Age Of Jackson Question Preview (ID: 49850)

Andrew Jackson 7th President. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the meaning behind the spoils system?
a) The president can spoil his government workers.
b) The president can place his own people in positions even though they may not be qualified.
c) Meat and vegetables will go bad if left out too long.
d) The loser can choose his own people in position.

What was the role that Henry Clay played in the Nullification Crisis?
a) He forced South Carolina to pay the taxes.
b) He created a compromise to raise the taxes for the next 10 years.
c) He created a compromise to lower taxes for the next 10 years.
d) He agreed with South Carolina.

What did John C. Calhoun and South Carolina threaten?
a) to go to war with the US
b) to join Great Britain
c) to not vote for Andrew Jackson
d) to secede from the US

Who hated the National Bank and refused to renew its charter?
a) John Marshall
b) Andrew Jackson
c) John C. Calhoun
d) Henry Clay

What is the correct order of events?
a) JQ Adams, AJackson, South Carolina nullify, Trail of Tears
b) JQ Adams, AJackson, Trail of Tears, South Carolina nullify,
c) JQ Adams, South Carolina nullify,AJackson,, Trail of Tears
d) JQ Adams,Trail of Tears, AJackson, South Carolina nullify,

What happened in the Revolution of 1828's election?
a) Jackson lost the election.
b) Jackson won the election because he did not win the most votes.
c) Jackson won the election because the wealthy voted for him.
d) Jackson got elected by the common man.

What was the name of the law that Jackson past to kick the Indians out of their lands?
a) Indian Removal Act
b) Trail of Tears
c) Nullification Crisis
d) Protective tariffs

South Carolina refused to pay the tariff and wanted to nullify the tax. This lead to the --
a) Tariff of Abomination
b) Nullification Crisis
c) Trail of Tears
d) Bank Wars

What was the name of the event that forced the Indians to move to Oklahoma?
a) Indian Migration Act
b) Kick Out Act
c) Trail of Tears
d) Great Britain

What political party was created during Jackson's presidency?
a) Democratic Republican
b) Whigs
c) Republican
d) Democratic

What section of US opposed the tariffs?
a) South
b) North
c) West
d) Great Britain

What was the common man?
a) hard work farmer, laborer, worker
b) average banker
c) wealthy
d) women

What new qualifications were changed to increase the number of voters?
a) All men and women could now vote.
b) White and black males could now vote.
c) The requirement to own property was eliminated.
d) No people were allowed to vote anymore.

How was Jackson inauguration day different than the other presidents?
a) Thousands of people showed up to celebrate creating a wild party.
b) No one showed up to protest Jackson's election.
c) Only the wealthy showed up.
d) The inauguration was held in New York City.

Why did the political cartoon call Jackson, King Andrew the First?
a) Jackson was related to a king in England.
b) The people were excited to finally have a president that would be like a king.
c) Jackson was controlling the power like a king.
d) Jackson signed his name like this.

What was John James Audobon famous for?
a) birds
b) cats
c) dogs
d) plants

What kind of paintings did Hudson River School of Art create?
a) people working
b) animals in a zoo
c) landscape and scenery
d) abstract

What do these men have in common? Melville, Poe, Irving
a) painters
b) authors
c) presidents
d) football players

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