Water Cycle Question Preview (ID: 49849)

Water Cycle. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Explain how energy from the Sun causes water to evaporate (you should discuss particle motion in your answer)
a) The sun warms the ocean and makes the tides
b) The sun causes the ocean to move around and the particles get thrown out to become gas
c) The sun heats the water causing the particles to speed up and spread out changing to a gas
d) The sun doesn’t really do any heating of water

What happens when water vapor loses energy?
a) It precipitates
b) It transpires
c) It condensates
d) It fluctuates

Explain what gets released back into the air (besides carbon dioxide) when humans and animals breathe. What is this process called?
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Cellular respiration
d) Fixation

Explain crystallization
a) It is when you go rock hunting and find crystals
b) It is when a liquid turns into a crystalline solid
c) It is when solids are broken down into crystal sizes
d) It is when you make crystals out of borax

If you leave a bowl of water outside for several days, the water will slowly decrease. Why?
a) It precipitates
b) It evaporates
c) It condensates
d) It fluxates

When water evaporates from plants through transpiration where does it go?
a) Biosphere
b) Geosphere
c) atmosphere
d) Athenosphere

When water heats up it evaporates, if water cools down what does it do?
a) Precipitates
b) Languidates
c) Liquidates
d) Condensates

What is ground water and where is it stored?
a) It is water that is stored beneath the surface of Earth
b) It is water that is stored on the ground in puddles
c) It is water that bounces off the ocean on the ground
d) It is water that goes down the stream

What two main factors cause water to move through the water cycle?
a) Rain and snow
b) Gravity and Sun
c) Trees and ponds
d) Puddles and hail

What is precipitation?
a) Water that has gone under the ground
b) Water that is caught in streams
c) Water in some state falling from the sky from clouds that have become too heavy to hold it.
d) Water that is on the ground in puddles

What is condensation?
a) It is when water leaves the trees through leaves
b) It is when water falls from the sky
c) It is when water goes into the ground
d) It is the process of water vapor changing to a liquid

Water enters the atmosphere from several things, some examples are from bodies of water or water boiling. Name 2 other examples where water enters the atmosphere as a gas.
a) From humans and trees
b) from rocks and oceans
c) From lava and bricks
d) from plants and streets

When water is a gas, where is it usually located?
a) In oceans and lakes
b) In Glaciers
c) In polar caps
d) In the atmopshere

What is a reservoir?
a) A place where water gathers in the atmosphere
b) A place where the snow falls in winter
c) A place where the water is condensed
d) A place where water is stored for periods of time

Explain transpiration
a) Water vapor released by decaying bodies
b) Water vapor released from oceans
c) Water vapor released by plants
d) Water that has been breathed in by humans

Where is water stored? (Hint: There is more than one location)
a) On Earths surface
b) In the atmosphere
c) underground
d) all of the above

Where does water go when it evaporates?
a) in the biosphere
b) oceans and lakes
c) atmosphere
d) glaciers

What one factor causes all water to flow downhill?
a) wind
b) Snow melting
c) gravity
d) Hurricanes blow them down

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