The 4 Spheres/Layers Of The Atmosphere/Cycles Question Preview (ID: 49845)

4 Spheres/layers Of The Atmosphere/cycles. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What term refers to the sun's energy being trapped in our atmosphere?
a) Greenhouse Effect
b) Geosphere
c) Atmosphere
d) Convection Currents

Plants roots absorb nitrogen-containing nutrients in the soil.
a) assimilation
b) simulation
c) ammonification
d) denitrification

Where does all of Earth's weather take place?
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

What are the 4 major interacting Earth systems?
a) Geosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
b) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere

What happens to temperature in the troposphere as you increase your altitude?
a) temperature will decrease
b) temperature will increase

How do clouds form high in the troposphere?
a) As water vapor rises in the atmosphere, it cools and condenses.
b) As water vapor rises in the atmosphere, it heats and evaporates.

What is a natural cause of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere?
a) A forest fire
b) burning fossil fuels
c) driving around in our cars and trucks
d) factories

What is one way nitrogen can flow through an ecosystem?
a) atmosphere--soil bacteria--ammonium---plants
b) atmosphere---decomposers---soil bacteria---fossil fuels

What are the 2 main gases found in the upper part of the atmosphere?
a) nitrogen and oxygen
b) carbon dioxide and water vapor
c) methane and argon

True or False- The Earth's atmosphere is a mixture of gases.
a) True
b) False

After the energy from the sun reaches the Earth's surface where does it go next?
a) 1/2 absorbed by the Earth's surface, 1/2 reflected back into the atmosphere.
b) 1/4 absorbed by the Earth's surface, 1/4 reflected back into the atmosphere

How do animals obtain nitrogen?
a) eating plants
b) breathing it in from the air

True or False- The atmosphere is composed of masses of air particles that are constantly circulating.
a) True
b) False

What effect does deforestation have on the future of our atmosphere?
a) Increased air pollution
b) Increase in carbon dioxide
c) Decrease in oxygen
d) All of these choices are correct

What happens to air pressure as you increase your altitude?
a) Air pressure will decrease
b) Air pressure will increase

What happens to all of the elements (matter) in Earth's system?
a) fixed amount that constantly cycles through the Earth system
b) disappears from the Earth system after they have been used

Which layer is ozone harmful to humans?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

Which layer is ozone most useful to humans?
a) Stratosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Thermosphere
d) Mesosphere

What are the 3 main greenhouse gases?
a) Water Vapor, Methane and Carbon Dioxide
b) Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen
c) Helium, Argon, and Xenon

Water vapor is what type of gas?
a) greenhouse gas
b) noble gas
c) greenhouse effect
d) toxic gas

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