Chasing Lincoln's Killer Quiz Ch. 6-10 Question Preview (ID: 49842)

Chasing Lincoln's Killer Quiz Ch. 6-10. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What happened to the article Booth had written before the assassination?
a) It was published in the Washington Post the next day.
b) It was given to the Confederate secret service for safe keeping.
c) It was burned by a friend who was worried about being found with it.
d) It was given to Mary Surratt to keep with the gun she was hiding at her house.

How did Booth feel about the country's reaction to Lincoln's assassination?
a) He was happy to see that they saw Lincoln as a monster just like him.
b) He was glad that the Confederacy was inspired to continue the fight against the Union.
c) He was unhappy that nobody was giving him credit for the assassination.
d) He was upset that the country now saw Lincoln as a martyr.

What happened to Mary Surratt?
a) She cooperated with investigators and gave them valuable information about Booth.
b) She escaped from Washington DC by tricking the guards at the bridge into allowing her to pass.
c) She was taken into custody for her role in the conspiracy.
d) She hid at Ford's Theater to avoid trouble with the police.

Where did Booth and Herold hide while waiting to cross the river?
a) Cox's house
b) A pine thicket
c) A Confederate army camp
d) Surratt's boardinghouse

Why was Atzerodt captured so quickly by the Union?
a) He was betrayed by his co-conspirator Powell.
b) He was caught after he sold the murder weapon at a pawn shop.
c) He never left Washington DC.
d) He confessed to being part of the conspiracy at Metz's house.

Who did Booth and Herold go to for help in Maryland?
a) Stanton
b) Atzerodt
c) Grant
d) Cox

Who was Thomas Jones?
a) A former secret service agent for the Confederacy who helped Booth and Herold.
b) The lead investigator looking for clues about the assassination of Lincoln.
c) The owner of Ford's Theater who was taken in for questioning by the Union.
d) The doctor who helped Booth with his injured leg while Booth and Herold were on the run.

Why did Dr. Mudd send his cousin to tell the Union soldiers about the visitors to his farm?
a) Dr. Mudd was a Union loyalist and wanted to help capture Booth.
b) Dr. Mudd didn't know who Booth and Herold were.
c) Dr. Mudd was hoping he could escape punishment.
d) Dr. Mudd hated the Confederacy.

deceive or defeat by greater ingenuity
a) Emitted
b) Outwitted
c) Tarried

Who succeeded Lincoln as the new President of the United States?
a) Stanton
b) Johnson
c) Jackson
d) Grant

What did John Surratt do when he found out about Lincoln's assassination?
a) He fled the country.
b) He wrote a letter to the newspaper.
c) He joined up with Booth to help him escape.
d) He raised a new army to continue the fight.

an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest
a) Elude
b) Relic
c) Hospitality

produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation)
a) Emitted
b) Outwitted
c) Tarried

stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place
a) Emitted
b) Outwitted
c) Tarried

a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs
a) Deterioration
b) Succession
c) Martyr

the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers
a) Elude
b) Relic
c) Hospitality

evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer)
a) Elude
b) Relic
c) Hospitality

number of people or things sharing a specified characteristic and following one after the other
a) Deterioration
b) Succession
c) Martyr

the process of becoming progressively worse
a) Deterioration
b) Succession
c) Martyr

How did Dr. Mudd end up in trouble?
a) He lied to investigators about his role in helping Booth and Herold.
b) He turned in Booth and Herold for their crimes.
c) He was caught attempting to attack Union soldiers at their barracks.
d) He helped Atzerodt escape from prosecution.

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