Balance Within Ecosystems Question Preview (ID: 49840)

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If all members of a species disappear from Earth, the species is said to be
a) extinct
b) endangered
c) threatened
d) keystone

The mating of California condors in zoos is an example of
a) captive breeding
b) habitat preservation
c) biodiversity
d) habitat destruction

The number of different species in an area is referred to as its
a) niche diversity
b) climate
c) habitat fragmentation
d) biodiversity

A species that influences the survival of many other species in an ecosystem is called
a) exotic species
b) nonnative species
c) native species
d) keystone species

A diverse pool of ____ helps ensure that individuals in a species will pass a variety of traits to their offspring
a) genes
b) species
c) organisms
d) offspring

Setting aside a marsh as a wildlife refuge is an example of the ____ approach to protecting biodiversity.
a) habitat destruction
b) habitat fragmentation
c) captive breeding
d) natural resource management

An insect looks like a leaf, so it blends in with its surroundings and is hard for predators to see. The insect's characteristic is an example of a
a) behavioral adaptation
b) species adaptation
c) structural adaptation
d) economic adaptation

The series of changes that occur in an area where no ecosystem previously existed is called _______
a) secondary succession
b) scientific succession
c) economic succession
d) primary succession

A biotic resource is
a) owl
b) water
c) minerals
d) oxygen

An abiotic resource is
a) sunlight
b) squirrel
c) tree
d) buffalo

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