Survivor Quiz 13 Review Question Preview (ID: 49834)

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National defense, public schools, public parks, the post office are examples of
a) public goods and services
b) private goods and services
c) businesses
d) government programs

Negotiated contracts are enforceable by-
a) the law
b) public consent
c) consumer sovereignty
d) people

The government collects taxes to-
a) provide public goods and services
b) jump start the economy
c) to encourage investments
d) pay for free college

To protect consumers, federal agencies establish
a) guidelines for public health and safety
b) approve all consumer contracts
c) write contracts
d) the Supreme Court

The government pays for public goods and services using taxes, funds, fines, and-
a) fees
b) donations
c) bartering
d) trading

Why does the government get involved in taxing, spending, and borrowing money?
a) In order to influence the economy.
b) in order to provide jobs
c) for the fun of it
d) to make money

The right to private property is protected by
a) negotiated contracts
b) the FED
c) the First Amendment
d) government securities

When the US Post Office delivers the mail they are providing-
a) a public good/service
b) a private good/service
c) a state program
d) an incentive

Public goods and services are those things the government provides us because-
a) the benefit many people and businesses
b) we are able to provide them for ourselves
c) there is a government surplus
d) monetary policy is not working

If you are harmed by a product you can-
a) take legal action
b) Arrest the store owner
c) do nothing
d) call the cops

If is often called the Banker's Bank. What is the central bank of the US called?
a) the FED
b) the Stock Market
c) The Supreme Court
d) the FDIC

The FED does all of the following except-
a) collect taxes
b) control interest rates
c) regulate banks
d) regulate money supply

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