Monsters Are Due On Maple Street Review (Norris) Question Preview (ID: 49826)

Review For ACT 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When Charlie sees all of Maple Street lit by candles, he says, Why, it's like goin' back into the dark ages or something'. Considering what happens in the play, what second meaning would this statement have?
a) The residents have let their fear, rather than their reason, take over.
b) The space creatures may take the townspeople to a different time period.
c) People used candles during the Dark Ages.
d) The creatures causing the power failure are from the Dark Ages.

Why does Charlie shoot Pete Van Horn?
a) He sees a dark figure approaching and thinks it is the monster.
b) He believes Pete is making ham radios.
c) He has seen Pete gazing at the night sky.
d) He thinks Pete caused the power failure.

At the end of the play, it turns out that the real monster is -
a) the fear and prejudice of human minds
b) Steve's mind
c) Charlie's behavior
d) Tommy's mind

At the end of the play, the residents of Maple Street are --
a) turning on one another
b) resolving their problems
c) moivng to another town
d) meeting with the aliens

Which of the following takes place at the opening of the teleplay?
a) The narrator describes where and when the teleplay takes place.
b) A mysterious telephone call is made to Myra Brand.
c) The car belonging to Steve Brand will not start.
d) A fight develops between Don Martin and Les Goodman.

Between which characters does the conflict of the teleplay develop?
a) all the neighbors on Maple Street
b) Steve Brand and the narrator
c) strangers who move to Maple Street
d) Tommy and his friends

What emotion motivates Steve in this speech from Act II of “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street”? The speech where he asks everyone to share all the things that they might do that are suspicious
a) disgust
b) love
c) amusement
d) sorrow

Which of the following describes the mood on Maple street at the end of the teleplay?
a) a tense nightmare
b) a humorous sense of relief
c) an excited celebration
d) a calm return to normal

Which of the following do the people of Maple Street do at the end of the teleplay?
a) The residents violently accuse one another of starting the power failure.
b) The people all leave their homes and run away forever.
c) As a group, they surrender to the mysterious strangers.
d) Once the power is restored, the residents resume their normal lives.

Which statement best summarizes the theme of The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street?
a) When neighbors suspect one another, they can destroy their community.
b) If everyone is suspected of being dangerous, then no one is dangerous.
c) Neighborhoods should be prepared for an invasion from outer space.
d) Good neighbors should not object to being observed by the police.

What effect does the following stage direction have on the reader? The dark figure continues to walk toward them as the people stand there, fearful, mothers clutching children, men standing in front of their wives.
a) emphasizes the fact that the crowd is so overcome with fear of the unknown
b) shows the character is trying to stay calm, but is feeling more upset than shown
c) makes people focus on outer space
d) makes people focus on inner space

What did Don bring up that made Steve look suspicious?
a) Steve had been working on something in his basement at night.
b) Steve was not around when the meteor appeared.
c) Steve was getting upset at Charlie.
d) Steve kept agreeing with Mr. Goodman.

What did Don do when he saw the dark figure approaching?
a) He held up a shotgun.
b) He asked Steve to come with him to approach the figure.
c) He told Tommy to try and talk to the approaching figure.
d) He told everyone to quiet down and stay where they were.

What happened just after Pete Van Horn had been shot?
a) The lights in Charlie's house came back on.
b) Someone tried to kill Charlie.
c) Mr. Goodman's car started running again.
d) The power came back on in Steve's house.

How did Charlie end up with blood on his face?
a) A rock thrown from the group broke a window and a couple of pieces of glass cut him.
b) He fell as he was trying to run away
c) Don took his gun back and shot him as he ran away.
d) A rock from the crowd hit him in the face.

Who were the most dangerous enemies of the people on Maple Street?
a) themselves
b) the people on Floral Street
c) aliens who looked like human beings
d) monsters in a space craft

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