Weather Instruments Question Preview (ID: 49815)

Weather Instruments. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Instrument used to measure air temperature.
a) barometer
b) hygrometer
c) thermometer
d) radar

Determines the direction and distance of objects using radio energy.
a) wind vane
b) radar
c) wind sock
d) anemometer

Measures weather conditions higher up in the atmosphere.
a) sling psychrometer
b) hygrometer
c) Doppler Radar
d) weather balloon

Instrument used to measure wind speed.
a) anemometer
b) wind vane
c) wind sock
d) thermometer

Instrument used to measure humidity using two thermometers.
a) anemometer
b) hygrometer
c) rain gauge
d) sling psychrometer

Instrument used to measure the amount of fallen rain.
a) thermometer
b) rain gauge
c) hygrometer
d) weather balloon

Instrument used to determine the direction from which wind is blowing.
a) anemometer
b) wind vane
c) hygrometer
d) compass

Instrument used to photograph and track large scale air movements.
a) thermometer
b) weather balloon
c) weather maps
d) weather satellites

Instrument used to measure water vapor or humidity.
a) anemometer
b) weather balloon
c) hygrometer
d) barometer

Instrument used to measure air pressure.
a) barometer
b) anemometer
c) hygrometer
d) thermometer

Instrument designed to measure wind direction and relative wind speed.
a) weather balloon
b) weather satellite
c) wind sock
d) rain gauge

Instrument designed to measure the amount of fallen snow.
a) rain gauge
b) snow gauge
c) weather balloon
d) compass

Detects precipitation intensity, wind direction and speed, and estimates hail size and rainfall amounts.
a) Doppler Radar
b) Weather Satellites
c) Weather Balloons
d) anemometer

Scientists who studies data to forecast the weather.
a) scientist
b) magician
c) weatherologist
d) meteorologist

What is the day to day conditions of our atmosphere at a specific time and place?
a) climate
b) weather
c) season
d) atmosphere

What describes the long term patterns in a specific area?
a) atmosphere
b) season
c) weather
d) climate

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