Government Question Preview (ID: 49803)

3rd Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The ________________ is a system of people and laws created to keep the people in a country safe.
a) President
b) City
c) Government
d) Laws

Which of these is NOT a level of government
a) Federal
b) Local
c) State
d) Regional

How do we pay for government services?
a) Voting
b) Pennies
c) Taxes
d) Love

The _________________ branch approves the laws and makes sure we follow them.
a) Judicial
b) Executive
c) Traditional
d) Legislative

The president is the head of the _________ level of government
a) Federal
b) State
c) Local
d) Regional

The ________________ branch makes sure our laws are fair and constitutional.
a) Executive
b) Judicial
c) Legislative
d) Pluto

If the president does not like a “bill” and does not sign it, that is called a __________________.
a) Veto
b) Laws
c) Bill
d) Taco

Each branch of our government checks with the others and they work together so no one person or branch gets too much power. This is known as
a) Truth and Justice
b) Checks and Balances
c) Taxes and Money
d) Power and Laws

When we choose our leaders by voting, it is called an __________________.
a) Law
b) Creation
c) Election
d) Vote In

The _________________ branch of government makes our laws.
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial
d) Venus

The mayor is the head of the _________ level of government
a) Federal
b) Local
c) State
d) Executive

Our freedoms, as listed in the constitution, protect people by giving them ____________.
a) Laws
b) Answers
c) Rights
d) Planets

Who is our President and Where does he live?
a) Ronald Trump and the Lincoln Memorial
b) Donald Trump and the White House
c) Ronald Trump and the White House
d) Donald Trump and the Liberty Bell

Which of these is NOT a branch of government?
a) Legislative
b) Executive
c) Representative
d) Judicial

The governor is the head of the _________ level of government
a) Federal
b) State
c) Local
d) Legal

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