Hinduism And Shintoism Question Preview (ID: 49791)

South And East Asia Religions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In what country did Hinduism start?
a) China
b) India
c) Japan
d) Korea

Who was the founder of Hinduism?
a) no known founder
b) Martin Luther
c) Siddhartha Gautama
d) Buddha

What do Hindus believe that need in order to help their soul advance to a better place in his or her next life?
a) good Dharma
b) bad Dharma
c) good Karma
d) bad Karma

What are the rules a Hindu must follow in order to have good Karma?
a) Karma
b) Shiva
c) Kami
d) Dharma

What religion is Dharma associated with?
a) Hinduism
b) Buddhism
c) Shintoism
d) Confucianism

Which religion is the oldest?
a) Buddhism
b) Shintoism
c) Confucianism
d) Hinduism

Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva are all gods associated with which religion?
a) Buddhism
b) Hinduism
c) Confucianism
d) Shintoism

Which religion serves as a set of rules for proper behavior in China?
a) Buddhism
b) Hinduism
c) Confucianism
d) Shintoism

Which religion believes that everyone has a role in society and when that role is done correctly, the country will prosper?
a) Buddhism
b) Hinduism
c) Confuciansim
d) Shintoism

In what country did Shintoism start?
a) Japan
b) China
c) Korea
d) India

Who was the founder of Shintoism?
a) Buddha
b) no known founder
c) Guatama
d) Muhammad

What is the name of the spirits associated with Shintoism?
a) Shinto
b) Dharma
c) Kami
d) Shiva

Along with Buddhism, what religion is practiced by the majority of the people in Japan?
a) Confucianism
b) Hinduism
c) Christianity
d) Shintoism

Which two religions are karma and reincarnation associated with?
a) Confucianism and Shintoism
b) Hinduism and Buddhism
c) Christianity and Judaism
d) Hinduism and Islam

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