Civil War: 7th Grade Social Studies Question Preview (ID: 49781)

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This act passed by congress allowed for the issue of slave or free state be decided by the vote of the people.
a) The Missouri Compromise
b) The Great Compromise
c) Kansas Nebraska Act
d) The Western Land Act of 1865

What was an unintended consequence of the Kansas Nebraska Act?
a) The people could not decide by voting
b) The People would vote the wrong way.
c) Pro and Anti Slavery people flooded into the state to influence the vote and violence ensued.
d) Most people would not bother to vote

How did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Dredd Scott?
a) They did not issue a ruling on his freedom or not but instead said a slave had no legal status to sue.
b) They Ruled that he was free because the state did not allow slavery.
c) They ruled that slaves were human and had the same rights as whites.
d) They ruled Dredd Scott was not free because he was born in a slave state.

Prior to the Civil War , one main goal of the compromises they reached was to maintain a balance between the number of free and slave states in what governmental body?
a) The House of Representatives
b) Supreme Court
c) State Legislatures
d) The Senate

This Supreme Court Case ruled on weather or not a slave was free because he had entered into a free state.
a) Plessy vs Ferguson
b) Brown vs the Board of Education of Topeka Kansas.
c) Dred Scott
d) Marbury vs Madison

This Compromise allowed for California to come into the Union as a Free State and stated that the rest of the Mexican Secession would be decided by popular sovereignty.
a) The Missouri Compromise
b) The Compromise of 1850
c) The Compromise of 1812
d) The Great Compromise

The idea that how a state should enter the Union (Slave or Free) would be decided by vote by the residents of the particular state.
a) Popular Sovereignty
b) Mercantilism
c) Capitalism
d) Declaratory

Abolitionist Fanatic that attempted top take the federal arsenal (where guns are kept) at Harper's Ferry and arm a slave uprising
a) Harper's Ferry
b) Robert E. Lee
c) John Brown
d) Ulysses S. Grant

Who won the Battle of Fredericksburg?
a) Union
b) Confederacy

Maine came in as a free state, Missouri came in as a slave state and slavery wasn't allowed to exist above Missouri's Southern Border. These are the contents of which Compromise?
a) The Compromise of 1850
b) Popular Soverginty
c) Missouri Compromise
d) The America First Plan

Who was the president of the Confederacy?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Jefferson F. Davis
c) Robert E. Lee
d) William Henry

What was the Anaconda Plan?
a) A plan for rescuing slaves
b) A plan for uniting the North and South
c) A strategy to get more military recruits for the Union Army
d) A military strategy for the Union Army that would suppress the Confederacy

With 23,000 causalities, where was the bloodiest one-day battle during the Civil War?
a) Gettysburg
b) Antietam
c) Battle of Bull Run

Who was the president during the Civil War?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) James Buchanan
c) George Washington

When did the Civil War occur?
a) 1820-1824
b) 1830-1840
c) 1861-1865

What were the Northern states called?
a) The Confederacy
b) The Union
c) The Liberators

What book did Harriet Beecher Stowe write about slavery?
a) Uncle Tom's Cabin
b) The Slavery Papers
c) Abolition

Who raided a federal armory in Harper's Ferry (VA) and planned to march South to arm slaves?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) John Brown
c) William Seward
d) John Bell

What was the first Southern State to secede from the United States?
a) Georgia
b) North Carolina
c) South Carolina
d) Alabama

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