Progressive Era 1-11 Question Preview (ID: 49771)

1-11. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which factors were primarily responsible for the establishment of the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887?
a) public outcry against the railroad's shipping rates
b) sectional rivalry over the route of the transcontinental railroad
c) public outcry against the railroad's price discrimination

The Progressive movement's goal of taxation reform resulted ln ..... (US.2. 7) *
a) the Sixteenth Amendment.
b) the Dawes Act.
c) the Chinese Exclusion Act

The goal of programs such as the Carlisle Indian School was American Indian ... (US.2.1) *
a) tribal recognition.
b) cultural assimilation.
c) cultural assassination.

n the late ninete.enth century, many Progressive leaders sought legislation to gain rights for workers. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) sought to protect workers mainly by seeking and exercising the power to negotiate collective agreements wit
a) The AFL's membership consisted mostly of federal government workers.
b) The AFL's leaders saw that government often sided with other business leaders
c) The AFL's leaders prioritized the enforcement of existing minimum wage laws.

Which change did not contribute significantly to the expansion of industrialization in the United States during the 1800s? (US.2.4) *
a) invention of new materials
b) settlement of the Great Plains
c) advances in commercial transportation

The Dawes Act Impacted American Indians by
a) protecting their territory from settlement.
b) threatening their communal lifestyle and forcing them to assimilate into white culture.
c) making it illegal to migrate to the West

In the late nineteenth century, labor unions resorted to work stoppages to secure better wages and working conditions. How did business leaders most frequently respond to these work stoppages? (US.2.7) •
a) They locked out their union workers and hired non-union labor.
b) They organized street protests that often ended in violence.
c) They chose to negotiate with the labor unions.

Which statement describes the Impact muckrakers had on the public during the late 1800s?
a) They inspired Americans to call for reforms.
b) They generated widespread support for big business.
c) They helped Americans stand up to political bosses.
d) They helped people to understand how politicians helped the nation.

What was an effect of the Dawes Act of 1887? (Pick the best 2) (US2.1) *
a) Most American Indians successfully farmed their land allotments.
b) Only good farmland was allotted to Individual American Indians.
c) Many land allotments were given or sold to people who were not American Indians.
d) American Indians suffered due to lack of land to their tribe.

What did Immigrants typically experience upon arriving at Ellis Island in the early 1900s?
a) assignment to industrial jobs
b) recruitment into the military
c) evaluation for medical issues

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