Unit 6 SW Asia And North Africa Question Preview (ID: 49768)

Unit Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the major geographic factor that dominates this region?____
a) deserts
b) mountains
c) canyons
d) water seas

What are the 3 main religions in this region?
a) Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism
b) Christianity, Judaism, Islam
c) no religions in this region
d) Islam, Judaism, Hinduism

After WWII many Jewish people migrated to what country?
a) Egypt
b) Iraq
c) Iran
d) Israel

What factor unifies Southwest Asia and North Africa as a culture Region.
a) Christianity
b) Persian language
c) Spanish language
d) Islamic religion

Because of the spreading of the Islamic religion many people speak what language in this region?
a) Moroccon
b) Spanish
c) Arabic
d) English

One way oil rich nations in SW Asia have protected their oil was the creation of
a) WWI
c) desalination plants
d) produce farms

Why do many countries want to trade with this region?
a) growth in population
b) need for oil
c) abundance of water
d) lack of trade

Most farms in Egypt are built along what river?
a) Nile
b) Mississippi
c) Tigris
d) Orange

What countries make up the Arabian Peninsula?
a) France
b) Turkey
c) Saudi Arabia
d) Egypt

What can be said about the oil reserves in Southwest Asia?
a) many nations have oil
b) oil is distributed unequally
c) southwest Asia has no oil
d) usa has no oil

What pillar of Islam is done everyday by muslims?
a) pray 5 times a day
b) give charity
c) travel to Mecca
d) believe in one god.

What is a way that Saudi Arabia has adapted to a lack of water?
a) build dams on rivers
b) build desalination plants
c) plant crops
d) lift homes from flooding

What architectural feature does this region share?
a) mosque's with slender towers
b) monasteries with domed roofs
c) cathedrals with large wooden doors
d) churches with crosses

What one factor has influenced cultural change in Southwest Asia?
a) political revolutions
b) religious leaders
c) trade relationships
d) technological advances

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