Survivor Quiz 12 Questions Question Preview (ID: 49760)

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Which technology has contributed to the global flow of capital, goods, services, and information?
a) internet
b) telephone
c) magazines
d) radio

What lowers the cost of production?
a) new technology
b) using outdated and old machinery
c) purchasing more expensive parts
d) charging consumers more money

One important influence of new technology in the workplace is the
a) creation of new jobs
b) reduction of the flow of capital
c) decrease of supply and demand
d) increase in the cost of production

The term Global Economy can BEST be described as the
a) buying goods and services within a country
b) worldwide buying and selling goods
c) meeting a study rising interest rates
d) international interest rates

Businesses in VA specialize in producing certain goods in order to
a) promote efficiency and growth
b) control inflation
c) gain a monopoly in international markets
d) reduce tariffs

One important reason VA and the US trade with other nations is to
a) sell goods outlawed by the US
b) buy things we cannot produce
c) to control worldwide trade
d) to decrease jobs

All the ways the government promotes competition EXCEPT
a) encouraging businesses to start up
b) passing and enforcing anti-trust laws
c) participating in global trade
d) limiting loans to small businesses

Why does the US enforce anti-trust laws?
a) to prevent monopolies
b) to stop competition
c) to increase taxes
d) to provide public goods

A DJ cusses on live radio. Which government agency will most likely levy a fine?
a) FCC
b) EPA
c) FTC

Which government agency tries to prevent pollution?
a) EPA
b) FCC
c) FTC

Which government agency would issue a consumer alert for an unsafe product?
a) FTC
b) EPA
c) FCC
d) FED

Government produces goods and services because-
a) people alone could not produce them
b) US businesses won't produce them
c) the Constitution requires it
d) for the fun of it

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