Exploration Test Review Question Preview (ID: 49746)

European Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

People began to explore new ways to Asia because of the demand of goods from where?
a) Far East
b) North America
c) Africa
d) Europe

Why did people begin to explore new ways to get to Asia?
a) The Silk Road was becoming dangers and the Europeans monarchs found the middle man to be expensive
b) The Silk Road was too long and exciting
c) The Silk Road was closing
d) The Silk Road was exciting and was cheap

Why was there a need for the rise of slavery in the American colonies?
a) there was a demand for laborers to row in the ships from Europe to America
b) there was a demand for laborers to work the lands in Europe
c) there was a demand for laborers to grow the New World cash crops
d) there was not a rise of slavery

What technologies assisted the Europeans and allowed overseas exploring?
a) shipbuilding, mapmaking and travel agencies
b) shipbuilding, gun making and sails
c) shipbuilding, gun making and navigational instruments
d) shipbuilding, mapmaking and navigational instruments

Besides slavery, what was one reason for conflict between the Europeans and the indigenous people?
a) Too much food brought over from Europe
b) the indigenous people wanted to give the Europeans their gold
c) Conversion to Christianity
d) Conversion to Judaism

What effect did colonialism have on indigenous people?
a) The indigenous people began to die of disease causing a population decrease
b) The indigenous people's population spiked creating more of a labor force
c) The indigenous people started sailing to Europe to live
d) The indigenous people started sailing to Africa to live

What was the effect of colonialism on the continent of Africa?
a) the population of laborers taken from Africa impaired their ability to develop economically
b) the population of Africa began to grow in order to create workers for the Americas
c) the population of Africa was not affected by the transatlantic slave trade
d) the population of laborers taken from Africa was matched by the amount of births in Africa

The death of indigenous labor force led to what agricultural practice in the new world?
a) low paid servants can demand a raise
b) new job opportunities for the surviving natives
c) new job opportunities for Europeans
d) slavery

How did the indigenous people feel about European exploration?
a) They were excited to meet all of the new people from other continents and planned feasts to celebrate.
b) The indigenous people welcomed them at first, but shortly began having conflict with them.
c) They were excited about converting to Christianity and began building churches throughout their lands.
d) They were not excited about converting to Judaism and began building synagogues throughout their lands.

What is the Columbian Exchange?
a) The exchange of exotic animals
b) The exchange of languages and clothing
c) The exchange of animals, plants and disease between the New World and the Old World
d) The exchange of leaders

What practice/technology did European colonizers improve upon after contact with the New World
a) Agriculture/Farming
b) Canoe making
c) Religion practices
d) Printing Newspapers

What diseases impacted the New World?
a) Chicken pox, flu and measles
b) Smallpox, influenza and measles
c) Smallpox, influenza and West Nile
d) There were no diseases spread

What animal from the Old World changed the Native American living on the Great Plains way of life?
a) Pigs
b) Sheep
c) Goats
d) Horses

What food crop lead to population growth and eventually to famine in the Old World?
a) Tomatoes
b) Lettuce
c) Tobacco
d) Potatoes

Explain the meaning of Gold, God and Glory
a) Explorers had a desire to build wealth in Asia and Christianity wasn't a priority
b) Europeans had a desire to build wealth, spread Christianity and be the first to find a sea route to the Far East
c) Europeans wanted to be the first to completely circumnavigate the globe so they could get rich
d) Gold, God and Glory mean nothing

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