WWI Review Question Preview (ID: 49739)

WWI Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What weapon did the German's use to attack their enemies in the ocean ?
a) The U-Boat or submarine
b) Hovercrafts
c) Speedboats
d) Aircraft carriers

What was trench warfare ?
a) Soldiers would dig deep ditches to trap tanks.
b) Armies would dig tunnels underneath the enemy lines to surprise attack the enemy.
c) When soldiers fought from deep ditches.
d) It was a secret series of tunnels to free slaves.

What does the N in M.A.I.N. stand for ?
a) Negaitve
b) Nationalism
c) New
d) Nonlocal

What does the M in M.A.I.N. stand for ?
a) Militia
b) Money
c) Militarism
d) Machines

What does the A in M.A.I.N. stand for ?
a) Accident
b) Air Force
c) Armistice
d) Alliances

What does the I in M.A.I.N. stand for ?
a) Imperialism
b) Industry
c) Independence
d) Invention

Who was the leader of Turkey after WWI who led the country in moderni
a) Ataturk
b) Woodrow Wilson
c) Vladimir Lenin
d) Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

Who was President of the U.S. during WWI ?
a) Vladimir Lenin
b) Ataturk
c) Woodrow Wilson
d) Archduke Franz Ferdinand

What does the acronym M.A.I.N. refer to ?
a) The ending of WWI
b) Why Germany lost WWI
c) The causes of WWI
d) Woodrow Wilson's 14 points

Who led the Russian Revolution ?
a) Vladimir Lenin
b) Woodrow Wilson
c) Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
d) Ataturk

Which term means Payments made to the winner of a war.
a) Mobilization
b) Reparations
c) Rationing
d) Soviet

Which leader was assassinated which led to the beginning of WWI ?
a) Vladimir Lenin
b) Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
c) Woodrow Wilson
d) Ataturk

Which term means Russian committee or council made up of representatives from the workers, soldiers and peasants
a) Armistice
b) Soviet
c) Rationing
d) Mobilization

Which term means System of limiting the amounts of food and materials in use ?
a) Militarism
b) Soviet
c) Reparations
d) Rationing

Which term means Use of warships to stop goods and people from leaving or entering an area ?
a) Blockade
b) Soviet
c) Reparation
d) Conscription

Which term means military draft ?
a) Conscription
b) Armistace
c) Blockade
d) Reparation

Which term means Assembly and movement of troops in order to prepare for action ?
a) Blockade
b) Mobilization
c) Soviet
d) Reparation

Which term means Fascination with war and the military.
a) Mobilization
b) Soviet
c) Militarism
d) Rationing

What treaty ended WWI ?
a) Treaty of Westphalia
b) Treaty of London
c) Treaty of Versailles
d) Treaty of Ghent

What brought the U.S. into WWI ?
a) Zimmerman Telegram
b) Sinking of the Luistania
c) Both of these
d) Neither of these

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