Vocab Quiz 8 Review Game (Bacteria And Viruses) Question Preview (ID: 49727)

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A strand of DNA or RNA surrounded by a layer of protein that can infect and replicate in a host cell
a) virus
b) bacterium
c) vaccine
d) pathogen

A mixture containing material from one or more deactivated pathogens, such as viruses
a) vaccine
b) antibody
c) pathogen
d) antibiotic

*ANY* agent that causes disease
a) pathogen
b) virus
c) antibody
d) bacterium

A process of heating food or liquid to a temperature that kills most harmful bacteria
a) pasteurization
b) nitrogen fixation
c) vaccine
d) antibiotic

The process that changes atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that are usable by living things
a) nitrogen fixation
b) pasteurization
c) decomposition
d) pathogen

A protein that can attach to a pathogen and make it useless
a) antibody
b) vaccine
c) antibiotics
d) pasteurization

The breaking down of dead organisms and organic waste
a) decomposition
b) nitrogen fixation
c) vaccine
d) pasteurization

A microscopic prokaryote
a) bacterium
b) virus
c) antibody
d) pasteurization

A medicine that stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria
a) antibiotic
b) antibody
c) virus
d) vaccine

This question is a bonus question. I had to have 10 questions to create a reviewgamezone test, and we only have 9 words this week. You should probably pick A if you want to get it correct and play the game ;)
a) Ferrets are the best animals ever.
b) Ferrets are ugly.
c) Ferrets are pathogens.
d) Ferrets are dangerous and evil.

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