L2C Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 49723)

L2C Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

al lado de
a) beside
b) near
c) behind
d) in front of

la administración de empresas
a) computer science
b) chemistry
c) business administration
d) foreign languages

a) without
b) between
c) here
d) with

el inglés
a) French
b) Spanish
c) English
d) history

las ciencias
a) science
b) math
c) journalism
d) psychology

a) here
b) there
c) between
d) accounting

la química
a) physics
b) biology
c) chemistry
d) sociology

a la derecha de
a) to the left of
b) beside
c) geography
d) to the right of

a) over, on top of
b) computer science
c) in
d) here

la computación
a) accounting
b) computer science
c) chemistry
d) science

a) between
b) beside
c) near
d) far

las lenguas extranjeras
a) biology
b) economics
c) foreign language
d) jouralism

la física
a) P.E.
b) sociology
c) economics
d) physics

a) there
b) with
c) here
d) without

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