Asexual Reproduction Question Preview (ID: 49720)

Types Of Asexual Reproduction. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A cactus growing a daughter cactus on its side is an example of
a) budding
b) fragmentation
c) binary fission
d) vegetative propagation

A lizard regrowing its tail is an example of
a) vegetative propagation
b) binary fission
c) regeneration
d) budding

A starfish breaking off a leg and the original starfish regrows its leg while the leg regrows all other legs is an example of
a) binary fission
b) vegetative propagation
c) budding
d) regeneration

A strawberry plant growing runners that lead to new identical plantlets is an example of
a) vegetative propagation
b) budding
c) regeneration
d) binary fission

A bacterium cell splitting into two identical cells is an example of
a) binary fission
b) budding
c) vegetative propagation
d) fragmentation

Which of the following is not and advantage of asexual reproduction?
a) Genetic variation
b) Can reproduce quickly
c) It can create many offspring
d) No mate is required

Which of the following is a disadvantage to asexual reproduction?
a) It takes time finding a mate
b) It takes a lot of energy to reproduce
c) It does not have genetic variation
d) Reproduction happens slowly

Multicellular organisms can create new body cells through this process
a) mitosis
b) meiosis
c) binary fission
d) budding

Which of the following organisms cannot reproduce asexually?
a) Potato
b) Cactus
c) dog
d) bacterium

Most animals reproduce sexually. What is it called when an animal reproduces asexually?
a) Parthenogenesis
b) Binary Fission
c) Mitosis
d) Fragmentation

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