Natural Resources - Energy - Earth Science Vocabulary Test Review - Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 49713)

Natural Resources - Energy - Earth Science Vocabulary Test Review - Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

energy produced by vibrations you can hear
a) light energy
b) sound energy
c) thermal energy
d) electrical energy

radiant energy that our eyes can see
a) light energy
b) sound energy
c) thermal energy
d) electrical energy

energy produced by the movement of electrons
a) light energy
b) sound energy
c) thermal energy
d) electrical energy

energy that causes a transfer of heat between materials
a) light energy
b) sound energy
c) thermal energy
d) electrical energy

the return of light energy after it bounces off an object
a) transmission
b) absorption
c) refraction
d) reflection

the bending of a light wave as it moves from one material to another (air to water)
a) transmission
b) absorption
c) refraction
d) reflection

the downward movement of soil, mud, rock, ice, or other Earth materials due to the force of gravity (i.e. landslide or avalanche).
a) landform
b) retain
c) mass movement
d) deposition

the process of dropping or depositing sediment into a new location
a) landform
b) retain
c) mass movement
d) deposition

to hold in place
a) landform
b) retain
c) mass movement
d) deposition

a physical feature on Earth's surface caused by weathering, erosion, deposition, or mass movement
a) landform
b) retain
c) mass movement
d) deposition

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