Emily VSB P. 5-9 Question Preview (ID: 49711)

1st Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Whenever people settle an area, they change the landscape to reflect their
a) customs and architecture
b) customs
c) architecture
d) mom is awesome

Examples of architecture include
a) barns, homes and places of worship
b) barns
c) homes
d) roblox

Places name reflect cultures Richmond:
a) English
b) Spanish
c) French
d) Alien

Places name reflect cultures Roanoke:
a) Indian
b) Culture
c) English
d) Mars

Cash Crop grown to sell for money
a) tobacco
b) corn
c) green beans
d) peanuts

Migration and living in new areas caused people to ______old customs to their new environment
a) adapt
b) run away
c) move
d) play Roblox

______Water was contaminated with salt water
a) Drinking
b) Eating
c) Bathing
d) giving water to Squit

_____destroyed wooden and brick building at Jamestown
a) fire
b) wind
c) water
d) sunny weather

From Williamsburg to Richmond, _______was moving west for more opportunities
a) population
b) geese
c) Luna
d) cats

Richmond was a more ______location.
a) central
b) eastern
c) western
d) northern

Moving to Richmond increased the distance from the sea and possible
a) attacks from the British
b) attacks from the Spanish
c) attacks from the indians
d) attacks from flying fist

a) trading or exchanging good and services without money
b) trading or exchanging good and services with money
c) trading or exchanging good and services for food
d) trading or exchanging good and services for Roblox

A farmer good use his tobacco to pay for
a) goods and services
b) goods
c) services
d) a subscription to Netflix

Colonial Virginia had no
a) banks
b) McDonalds
c) farms
d) tobacco

A good or served that his owed to another
a) debt
b) service
c) IOU
d) lo siento

Money put away to save or spend later
a) saving
b) spending
c) hiding under pillow
d) Target gift card

Buying a good or serve now and paying for it later
a) credit
b) debit
c) bank
d) mom's debit card

Farmer and other consumers could buy good on _____ and pay debts when crops were harvested and sold
a) credit
b) debit
c) Wells Fargo
d) Dad's credit card

Money a medium of ______which includes coins and paper bills
a) exchange
b) debit
c) IOU
d) ?

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