8th SS - Unit 12 Review (SS8H11b) Question Preview (ID: 49709)

Unit 12 (SS8H11b). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Martin Luther King, Jr. grew up in:
a) Atlanta
b) Savannah
c) Macon
d) Augusta

Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in:
a) non-violent protest
b) violent uprisings
c) Buddhism
d) segregation

The SCLC was led by:
a) Martin Luther King, Jr.
b) John Lewis
c) Lester Maddox
d) Richard Russell

The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington were led by:
a) Martin Luther King, Jr.
b) Rosa Parks
c) William Hartsfield
d) Eugene Talmadge

What happened to Martin Luther King, Jr. in April 1968?
a) He was assassinated in Memphis.
b) He initiated the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
c) He gave a memorable speech in Washington, DC.
d) He was arrested in downtown Atlanta.

The SCLC was created to:
a) address needs in the civil rights movement
b) use violent to achieve civil rights
c) segregate more schools in the South
d) arrest civil rights activists

Many Freedom Rides and sit-ins were organized by:
b) the SCLC
c) Lester Maddox
d) Southern business owners

SNCC was an organization led by:
a) college students
b) Rosa Parks
c) political leaders in Montgomery
d) white business owners

After being involved in the civil rights movements for years, John Lewis became:
a) a member of Congress
b) a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church
c) governor or Georgia
d) a segregationist

At the time, the Albany Movement was considered to be:
a) ineffective
b) the beginning of the civil rights movement in the South
c) the main reason for the Civil Rights Act of 1964
d) Martin Luther King's last public appearance

During the March on Washington:
a) Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his most famous speech
b) hundreds were arrested
c) Washington, DC endured a race riot
d) SNCC was estabished

During the Albany Movement, the police:
a) used non-violent tactics
b) accidentally killed ten protestors
c) were incredibly violent
d) were not present during the event

Just after the Albany Movement, Albany:
a) did not integrate
b) fully integrated
c) was the site of Martin Luther King's assassination
d) quickly integrated schools

Boycotts, marches, and rallies were examples of:
a) non-violent tactics to gain civil rights
b) violent tactics to achieve civil rights
c) ###
d) ####

The SCLC and SNCC were examples of:
a) groups wanting to achieve civil rights
b) racist groups of white supremacists
c) ###
d) ####

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