Chasing Lincoln's Killer Ch. 1-5 Quiz Question Preview (ID: 49697)

Chasing Lincoln's Killer Ch. 1-5 Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A _______________________ is someone who agrees with a cause.
a) reluctance
b) conspirator
c) sympathizer
d) prolonged

The wait for the start of the play was _________________ so it took a long time
a) prolonged
b) reluctance
c) conspirator
d) sympathizer

A _______________________ is someone who is part of a secret plan to do something.
a) reluctance
b) conspirator
c) sympathizer
d) prolonged

When you really don't want to do something, you have to get over your _________________ and do it anyway.
a) reluctance
b) conspirator
c) sympathizer
d) prolonged

You can trust and say anything to someone who is your _________________.
a) implicated
b) vestibule
c) confidante
d) elite

The area just outside a room is called the _______________________.
a) implicated
b) vestibule
c) confidante
d) elite

The US authorities knew who was part of the conspiracy. Booth's letter had ________________ everyone involved.
a) implicated
b) vestibule
c) confidante
d) elite

When people aren't ordinary, but really special and skilled, we call them __________________.
a) implicated
b) vestibule
c) confidante
d) elite

That guy is bad news. He's a(n) ___________________ to everyone around him.
a) menace
b) frock
c) solemn
d) obcured

Everyone was very serious and dignified because it was a(n) ________________ occasion.
a) menace
b) frock
c) solemn
d) obscured

When Laura Keene held Lincoln's head in her lap, it made her _____________ end up covered in blood.
a) menace
b) frock
c) solemn
d) obscured

The sign couldn't be seen because it was __________________ in the shadows behind the building.
a) menace
b) frock
c) solemn
d) obscured

When the President was assassinated, the carpet in the President Lincoln's theater box was __________________ with the President's blood.
a) saturated
b) accomplices
c) vigilantes
d) solemn

____________________ take matters into their own hands instead of counting on the authorities to do their job.
a) saturated
b) accomplices
c) vigilantes
d) obscured

When criminals get help with their crimes, we call their helpers __________________.
a) saturated
b) accomplices
c) vigilantes
d) frock

Who is Dr. Mudd?
a) The doctor who helped President Lincoln when he was shot
b) A veterinarian who looked after Booth's injured horse
c) A tavern owner who helped Booth procure supplies
d) A doctor who helped Booth with his leg injury

What was David Herold in charge of?
a) Assassinating Secretary Seward
b) Assassinating Vice President Johnson
c) Assassinating President Lincoln
d) Helping the conspirators escape from Washington DC

Who was Mary Surratt?
a) The mother of Booth's friend who helped Booth get supplies
b) The wife of Abraham Lincoln
c) A Union sympathizer who gave information to help capture the conspirators
d) The owner of Ford's Theater who was there the night of the assassination

Who was John Surratt?
a) The owner of Ford's Theater who was there the night of the assassination
b) A famous actor who was on stage when the assassination happened
c) A friend of Booth who was involved in the previous conspiracy with him
d) A guard who tried to stop the conspirators from escaping Washington DC

What is the significance of Peterson House?
a) It's where the doctor took Lincoln so he would not die on the floor of a theater
b) It's the tavern where the conspirators met to make their plans
c) It's the name of the restaurant where Lincoln had his last meal before the assassination
d) It's where Powell hid after his failed part of the conspiracy

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