Photosynthesis Question Preview (ID: 49688)

Test Over Photosynthesis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is involved in the cycle of matter?
a) Oxygen and co2
b) Water and glucose
c) Waters and gasses
d) Gasses and starches

What organelle makes plants unique and able to perform photosynthesis?
a) Chloroplasts
b) Cell wall
c) Mitochondria
d) Nucleus

Where is glucose stored?
a) The pedals of a plant
b) In the roots
c) Stem as starch
d) In the ground so the plant can use as much as it needs

What is an omnivore?
a) Consumer of both plants and animals
b) Consumer of plants
c) Consumer of meat
d) Consumer of exclusively chicken nuggets

Which type of organism performs cellular respiration?
a) Plants
b) Seaweed
c) Elodia
d) Hamster

What is a carnivore?
a) A vegitarian
b) A vegan
c) Meat eating consumer
d) Someone who only eats plants

What is an herbivore?
a) someone who loves steak
b) Someone who eats tofu an chicken nuggets
c) Meat eating consumer
d) Plant eating consumer

What is the chemical formula for photosynthesis?
a) co2 + h2o + light energy = c6h12o6 + 6o2
b) co2 + 7h2o + light energy = c6h12o6 + 6o2
c) co2 + h2o + light energy = 12(c6h12o6) + 6o2
d) co2 + h2o +co2= c6h12o6 + 6o2

All energy originates from where?
a) the ground water
b) a plant
c) The sun
d) the wood from a beavers dam

Which type of organism performs photosynthesis?
a) Plant
b) Peacock
c) Me
d) a turtle

What is the formula for photosynthesis?
a) Oxygen + water + light energy= glucose + oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide + water + heat energy= glucose + oxygen
c) Carbon dioxide + water + light energy= starches + liquids + oxygen
d) Carbon dioxide + water + light energy= glucose + oxygen

Where does photosynthesis take place?
a) Chloroplast takes in sunlight and the mitochondria processes into usable energy
b) A set of reactions that takes place in cells. This reaction takes place to break down matter into usable energy for the cell
c) The mitochondria which soaks up water into the roots
d) The stem of the plant is responsible for absorbing all the light

What is photosynthesis?
a) Breathing for plants
b) How plants get all the things they need in one place
c) Process in which producers use light energy from the sun to make sugars, which can be used for food.
d) A process in which consumers find other organisms and ingest them for nutritional value

What is a consumer?
a) Something that makes its own food from eating something from the sky
b) A consumer is an organism which eats producers in order to gain energy
c) an organism which derives its energy directly from the sun such as a plant
d) Something that makes other food by eating them

What is a producer?
a) Something that makes its own food from eating something else
b) Something that makes other food by eating them
c) A producer is an organism which derives its energy directly from the sun such as a plant
d) A producer is an organism which makes its own energy from the water

What is cellular respiration?
a) How plants get all the things they need in one place
b) Breathing for plants
c) Process in which sunlight is converted into usable energy for the plant
d) A set of reactions that takes place in cells. This reaction takes place to break down matter into usable energy for the cell

Where does cellular respiration take place?
a) Plants
b) Stems of plants
c) The roots of a plant
d) Cells, mitochondria

When does cellular respiration take place?
a) Only in the daytime
b) All the time
c) Night time
d) During the fall

These two processes, cellular respiration and photosynthesis, are _____________ of each other.
a) same
b) opposite
c) backwards
d) reversed and backwards

When does photosynthesis take place?
a) All the time
b) Night time
c) Sometimes when the plants need food
d) During the day time

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