Galiyas History 9 - Chapter 13 Test (B) Question Preview (ID: 49659)

Galiyas History 9 - Chapter 13 Test (B). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To prevent African Americans from voting, Mississippi required all citizens registering to vote to pay a poll tax of $2—a sum beyond the means of most poor African Americans.
a) True
b) False

a) right answer
b) wrong answer

Laws in Southern states that enforced segregation and discrimination were called Jim Crow laws.
a) True
b) False

With the Pendleton Act, the federal government began a shift away from the spoils system.
a) True
b) False

Social Darwinists believed in survival of the fittest and supported government’s active role in solving society’s problems.
a) True
b) False

Thomas Pendergast, the corrupt boss of Tammany Hall in New York during the 1860s and 1870s, was eventually arrested for corruption and sent to prison.
a) True
b) False

In America’s growing cities in the late 1800s, the wealthy and the working classes lived in different neighborhoods.
a) True
b) False

The Chinese Exclusion Act prevented Chinese people already in the United States from becoming citizens.
a) True
b) False

Europeans who immigrated to the United States in the late 1800s found it hard to break away from a class system.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following African American leaders was particularly concerned with protecting and exercising voting rights?
a) W.E.B. Du Bois
b) Mary Church Terrell
c) Booker T. Washington
d) Ida B. Wells

Booker T. Washington, the most famous African American of the late nineteenth century, urged African Americans to
a) campaign against lynching and other forms of violence and discrimination
b) leave the South and form their own independent communities in the West.
c) postpone the fight for civil rights and concentrate instead on economic goals.
d) use education as a means to pursue full equality and civil rights.

Between 1860 and 1899, an average of 187 lynchings occurred each year, with the majority in
a) Northern states.
b) Southern states.
c) urban tenements.
d) Western territories.

a) right answer
b) wrong answer

Which of the following established a professional civil service by requiring that some government jobs be filled by competitive written exams, rather than patronage?
a) the gold standard
b) the graduated income tax
c) the Interstate Commerce Act
d) the Pendleton Act

In which American city did the first salaried baseball team play?
a) Boston
b) Cincinnati
c) New York
d) Pittsburgh

In public schools, immigrant children learned English and were taught about American history and culture, a process known as
a) Americanization.
b) assimilation.
c) industrialization.
d) urbanization.

The Social Gospel movement worked to better conditions in cities according to
a) biblical ideals of charity and justice.
b) the economic doctrine of laissez-faire.
c) practical realities of urban poverty.
d) the principles of social science.

In contrast to Social Darwinists, social reformers believed that society’s problems could be fixed only by
a) encouraging competition and natural selection.
b) helping poor people to help themselves.
c) recognizing that people fail due to circumstances beyond their control.
d) regulating the economy and helping those in need.

Social Darwinism was used by some industrial leaders to justify
a) government regulation.
b) laissez-faire capitalism.
c) philanthropy.
d) political activism.

The philosophy of Social Darwinism applied Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to
a) biblical accounts of creation.
b) human society and competition.
c) political and economic issues.
d) the social reform movement.

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