Unit 3 Question Preview (ID: 49647)

Ecology Unit 3 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where was Tabitha Teacher born?
a) Oregon
b) California
c) Arizona
d) New York

Which of these is not a type of energy?
a) kinetic energy
b) food energy
c) thermal energy
d) electrical energy

What is a material resource?
a) natural resource made by humans
b) resource that can be replaced at the same rate it is made
c) resource that cannot be replaced at the same rate it is made
d) resource used to make objects, food, or drink

Which of these is a non-renewable resource?
a) Metal
b) Air
c) Sunlight
d) Trees

Which of these is NOT a fossil fuel?
a) oil
b) coal
c) wood
d) natural gas

Which gas does Earth have the most of?
a) Nitrogen
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon
d) Helium

How did the oceans form?
a) they were always on Earth
b) steam created clouds and rain
c) dinosaurs created the oceans
d) the sun melted the ice caps

What is photosynthesis?
a) taking photos of plants
b) how animals get food
c) how plants make food
d) the water cycle

Which fossil fuel do we use to cook with?
a) Oil
b) Petroleum
c) Natural Gas
d) Coal

If we use all the non-renewable resources, can we get them back?
a) Yes
b) No

Which of these is used in nuclear energy?
a) Fusion
b) Fission
c) Fracking
d) Fuel Rods

Which of these is NOT a bad thing about fossil fuels?
a) pollution
b) dangerous to get rid of
c) global warming
d) disturbs habitats

Which of these is the most common renewable resource?
a) solar energy
b) wind energy
c) geothermal energy
d) hydroelectric energy

Why are turbines usually in the ocean?
a) because the ocean is better for them
b) because they're ugly
c) to protect birds
d) to keep them out of cities

Where do we get hydroelectric energy from?
a) Dams
b) Oceans
c) Rivers
d) Drinking water

Is solar energy easy to use to power a whole city?
a) Yes
b) No

Which of these is NOT a way that we use biomass?
a) cooking food
b) provide warmth
c) keep the lights on
d) power an engine

Which natural resource pollutes the most water?
a) Natural Gas
b) Coal
c) Oil
d) Minerals

What is the protection of natural resources called?
a) Stewardship
b) Conservation
c) Recycling
d) Reusing

Which of these is a disadvantage of a hybrid car?
a) Produces fewer emissions
b) Gets higher gas mileage
c) made with recycled parts
d) powered by electricity

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