Industrial Revolution Question Preview (ID: 49643)

Unit 6. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did steamboats change life along US rivers?
a) House delivery
b) Allowed for better racing
c) Manufactured good became more accessible
d) Slowed the shipping of manufactured goods

Who is known as the “conductor” of the Underground RR?
a) Harriett Beecher Stowe
b) Elizabeth Blackwell
c) Harriett Tubman
d) Susan B. Anthony

What is Eli Whitney credited for?
a) Interchangeable parts and the reaper
b) The reaper and the cotton gin
c) The telegraph and the reaper
d) Interchangeable parts and the cotton gin

What did the cotton gin do?
a) Cleaned and separated the seeds from cotton
b) Made picking cotton harder for slaves
c) Allowed plantation owners to build cotton housing
d) Cleaned the seeds out of apples

Technological innovation and rapid growth of manufacturing is a characteristic of the
a) Education Reform
b) Industrial Revolution
c) Mentally Ill Reform
d) Religious Reform

In the early 1800’s, Southern Agriculture was most affected by what invention?
a) Telegraph
b) Cotton Gin
c) Telephone
d) Railroad

Who is John Brown?
a) A man who fought for women's rights and was hanged for being a suffragette
b) A man who helped children with free education
c) A radical who stated that slavery was moral
d) A radical abolitionist who stole weapons from a US arsenal and used violence in the name of abolition.

Who were the first abolitionist?
a) Mormons
b) Women
c) Shakers
d) Quakers

What was the primary role of Quakers in the abolitionist movement?
a) To help with temperance
b) To only support women's rights
c) They helped escaped slaves in the Underground RR
d) They only helped with college educated women

Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? What movement did it encourage?
a) Elizabeth Cady Stanton/Slavery
b) Susan B. Anthony/Education
c) Elizabeth Cady Stanton/Women's Rights
d) Harriett Beecher Stowe/ Abolition Movement

Interchangeable Parts ? Good become more widely available Which best completes the sequence of events by replacing the ? above?
a) Mass production becomes more efficient
b) Manufactured goods increase in price
c) Transportation is more limited than before
d) Markets decrease greatly

“I have as much muscle as any man and can do as much work as any man. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and moved, and can any man do more than that”? -Soujourner Truth, Speech at Akron OH, 1851
a) Prisons need to be reformed
b) Women should have equal rights
c) Women should pursue traditional occupations
d) Men should work in agriculture

Which person is correctly paired with the reform movement that he or she was most involved in?
a) William Lloyd Garrison/ Temperance
b) Harriett Beecher Stowe/ Abolition
c) Elizabeth Cady Stanton/ Education
d) Horace Mann/Women's Rights

The Industrial Revolution can be defined as...?
a) The use of machines to stones
b) The use of making things by hand to making them by machine
c) The use of making things by hand
d) The use making only weapons by hand

What did Horace Mann contribute to the Social Reform Movement?
a) Designing a free and compulsory public education system supported with tax dollars
b) Engaged in temperance
c) Made sure that women had a right to vote
d) He wanted tax dollars for mental hospitals

Why did Women participate in the Temperance Movement?
a) They were fighting to stay home
b) They wanted to cook and clean only
c) Women wanted to play sports
d) They were affected most by their alcoholic abusive husbands

A former slave who was known as the “Moses of her People” led escaped slaves (19 times) on the Underground Railroad to safety in the North.
a) Abigail Adams
b) Harriett Tubman
c) Susan B. Anthony
d) Alice Paul

Why does the cost of manufactured goods decrease in the 1800’s?
a) Mass production is efficient and reduces cost of making goods
b) The U.S. dollar decreases during this time period
c) There was not enough money to go around
d) Slavery was the factor that off set production

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the primary author of the….
a) Declaration of Independence
b) Declaration of Sentiments
c) Declaration of the Constitution
d) Declaration of Self

What were the 3 main immigrant groups to the United States in the 18oo’s?
a) Germans, Irish, Italians
b) Germans, Russians, Italians
c) English, German, Chinese
d) Italians, Hispanics, Dutch

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