8th SS - Unit 11 Review (SS8H10) Question Preview (ID: 49616)

Unit 11 (SS8H10). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In 1947, Melvin Thompson felt he should be governor since he was elected as:
a) lieutenant-governor
b) a state senator from Atlanta
c) a Georgia Supreme Court justice
d) ####

How did Americans react to the Three Governors Controversy in Georgia?
a) It made Georgia look bad across the country.
b) Most Americans were supportive of the controversy.
c) ###
d) ####

After World War II, hundreds of thousands of Georgians began migrating to:
a) urban areas
b) other states in the South
c) Florida
d) farms located in southern Georgia

In the special election for governor of Georgia in 1948, the winner was:
a) Herman Talmadge
b) Ellis Arnall
c) Melvin Thompson
d) ####

Who became the governor of Georgia in March 1947... after months of controversy?
a) Melvin Thompson
b) Herman Talmadge
c) Ellis Arnall
d) Ivan Allen, Jr.

Delta Airlines has its hub in:
a) Atlanta
b) Savannah
c) Columbus
d) Macon

Herman Talmadge, Ernis Arnall, and Melvin Thompson were all:
a) governors of Georgia
b) mayors of Atlanta
c) Congressmen from Georgia
d) ####

Who died in 1946... just after being elected as Georgia's governor?
a) Eugene Talmadge
b) Herman Talmadge
c) Ellis Arnall
d) Melvin Thompson

White primaries:
a) prevented African-Americans from voting
b) helped African-Americans vote
c) helped African-Americans gain power in Georgia politics
d) ####

Even though Ivan Allen, Jr. was originally a segregationist:
a) he eventually helped Atlanta peacefully integrate
b) he convinced William Hartsfield to stop schools from integrating
c) ###
d) ####

Three major sports franchises came to Atlanta due to:
a) Ivan Allen, Jr.
b) William Hartsfield
c) Eugene Talmadge
d) Herman Talmadge

Both William Hartsfield and Ivan Allen, Jr. were:
a) mayors of Atlanta
b) governors of Georgia
c) U.S. senators from Georgia
d) former presidents of the United States

Ivan Allen, Jr. and William Hartsfield were known for:
a) keeping Atlanta peaceful during the civil rights movement
b) racist behaviors as governors
c) serving as governor for over 30 years
d) opening the Georgia Institute of Technology

William Hartsfield wanted Atlanta to be a center for:
a) aviation
b) atomic energy
c) agriculture
d) civil rights activism

What happened to Georgia's economy just after World War II?
a) It greatly expanded.
b) It suffered a major recession.
c) It stayed the same.
d) ####

During the Great Migration, many African-Americans in the South:
a) migrated to the North and West
b) moved to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas
c) moved from cities to more rural areas
d) were killed in race riots

After World War II, what happened to many wartime factories in Georgia?
a) They turned into industrial factories.
b) They were abandoned.
c) They were torn down to build more housing.
d) They continued to make war supplies for Cold War operations.

Due to William Hartsfield and Ivan Allen, Jr., Atlanta earned the nickname of:
a) The City too Busy to Hate
b) The City of Brotherly Love
c) The Heartbreak City
d) The City That Never Sleeps

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