Introduction To Government Question Preview (ID: 49615)

Introduction On Types Of Government And Citizenship. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Type of government where a king may hold all power or share with others is
a) monarchy
b) anarchy
c) oligarchy
d) dictatorship

Which is NOT a duty of citizenship?
a) Go to school
b) Serve on a jury
c) Volunteer
d) Serve in the military if called

The type of government where citizens chose others to make laws for them is
a) direct democracy
b) representative democracy
c) federalism
d) socialism

The type of government where all citizens participate on a first hand basis is
a) direct democracy
b) representative democracy
c) federalism
d) socialism

Which is rule by a small group of people?
a) monarchy
b) anarchy
c) oligarchy
d) democracy

Which of the following would NOT be considered a United States citizen?
a) anyone born in the United States
b) anyone who completes the naturalization process
c) anyone born to a U.S. citizen
d) someone born to a foreign diplomat

Which would a legal alien NOT be allowed to do?
a) get a driver's license
b) go to school
c) own a car
d) run for office

The House Of Burgesses practiced which form of democracy?
a) direct
b) representative
c) open
d) unitary

Which type of government did the United States first use?
a) federal government
b) confederation
c) monarchy
d) theocracy

Which theory of government contends the right to rule came from God?
a) Evolutionary theory
b) Force theory
c) Divine Right theory
d) Social Contract theory

The United States Constitution is an example of a,
a) social contract
b) monarchy
c) aristocracy
d) oligarchy

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of government?
a) Police stopping a speeding motorist
b) City planners propose to widen a highway by the year 2026
c) To limit the rights of others
d) The town of Bender provides trash collection for citizens

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