Vocabulary Grades 7 And 8 Unit 7 Question Preview (ID: 49611)

Unit 7 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

opposite another action or feeling
a) opposing
b) coordinate
c) positions
d) balance

carefully puts an object in its place
a) coordinate
b) opposing
c) positions
d) precision

the force produced by pressing hard on something
a) pressure
b) contract
c) extend
d) balance

the quality of being exact or accurate
a) positions
b) coordinate
c) pressure
d) precision

a flat surface
a) plane
b) maneuver
c) precision
d) pressure

a difficult or clever action that is done to change a situation to a person's advantage
a) contract
b) pressure
c) positions
d) maneuver

to make sure that all parts work together smoothly
a) opposing
b) positions
c) coordinate
d) balance

to place an object on something so that it remains steady and does not fall to one side or the other
a) maneuver
b) balance
c) precision
d) contract

to stretch something out to make it longer
a) positions
b) contract
c) extend
d) plane

to pull something inward to make it smaller
a) contract
b) extend
c) pressure
d) precision

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